Cat VonAwesome

Awesome, awesome....this really has me thinking about the group cosplay ideas my friends and I were coming up with for our next SDCC. With one group we were just going to do gender swapped Supernatural with Sam, Dean, Bobby & Cas. And with another we came up with "Hot Rides, "inspired by the TARDIS cosplay we saw and

"Also.. how are these guys able to operate in the modern world that quickly. " I'm wondering if this will come down to the brain screwery they've hinted at. Since a few of them had clear, set goals perhaps there's some brainwashing? But they need to speed up the reveal on this.

Part of the issue with the early episodes of Dollhouse was Fox's meddling though. That's not really how Whedon wanted it to go but Fox insisted on "caper of the week" type story that Whedon corrected.

Someone in that town needs to go to law school and specialize in contracts.

Or everyone who was at that wedding? that was quite a large wedding.

I thought that too for a moment when he said he couldn't lie.

Looks interesting...I'm almost more interested in the discussion of Ripley, Connor, Summers and Xena. Especially Ripley and Connor who I think really set a lot of ground work for Buffy/Xena. Great panel at SDCC last summer with women writers and producers involved with Aliens, Terminator, Buffy, Wolverine who talked

"These Idiots Deserve Each Other" YES.

hehe no problem :)

Haters to the left. That movie was really pleasant surprise when I caught it. I'd heard so much "meh" about it. But its awesome and quite disturbing.

This was pretty darn cool. Cannot wait for this film.

It existed and it was glorious.

As soon as he came out with that puppy my stomach flipped. Poor, ill-fated puppy.

I loved this ep. Really picked up the season for me. Not that I wasn't enjoying the season but this was all BAM IN YO FACE.

I know, right? If I were Peter I'd be so crazy freaked out that I might do that again that I'm not sure I'd ever feel comfortable in any universe or timeline!

LOVED the police scanner! That was an awesome addition to their arsenal of tools. I'd love to see them incorporate more of these types of things into the day to day hunting shots.

I loved this one! It kept me guessing and thinking about Jeffrey's and the demon's motivations. I figured fairly early that it was probably Jeffrey not the demon doing the current murders. But I didn't guess that he was a serial killer in waiting all along. I assumed the demon possession and consequent PTSD just

cool! I'll look for that one too!

I do miss having cute nails. I swear, every one of my nails broke in the past 2 weeks except my left pinky finger! Srsly, I look a bit like a coke addict now that I'm looking at them!

:( I don't see anything. Was there an image?