Cat VonAwesome

Speaking of, a friend informed me she got me a copy of Modeland (Tyra's crazy book) today. I cannot wait to read it. I assume it'll be like getting high and very confused.

Its so totally brand new! I can't believe no one has ever thought of it before.

Why thank you!!

Oh. lord. I think we've got a few things going on here.

OOOH. PRETTY. Damn, this stuff is $16 a bottle! But NEAT. Do want. Its available at if anyone is looking. But they only have the silver, not the purple featured in the video.

uggh. I cannot imagine how much that must suck. At least mine comes and goes, obviously coming when my anxiety/PTSD is at its most heightened. Because its anxiety I don't want to take pills because I have this whole crazy fear of not being able to wake up proper if there's an emergency. OY VEY.


Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait! My sister and my mom (both big Alien fans) and I have now planned our June vacation around the weekend its released so we can go together! Then we're going to Harry Potter World! I love my family.

"Smallville star Kristin Kreuk is reportedly making her return to the CW "

Well...this is probably where I'm headed after years of insomnia problems. But at least I'll meet new people every day. I wonder if there are correlations with other mental illnesses as my insomnia is actually a symptom/effect of my PTSD and anxiety.

Seriously, I really thought there was gonna be shit flying at that window for a minute.

Holy grapple hook Batman! Those were some awesome acrobatics!! Awesome and terrifying! If I see that coming at me during the End Times I'm gonna pee myself! And then be ripped to shreds!!

I think the cast was the least of the problems with the first. I mean, just BAD all around. I couldn't even clean house with it on in the background.

oh indeed. I have a tremendous amount of respect and awe for the big cats. Hell, even my little ones impressed me with their mouse hunting tenacity and skill last week. It was the first mouse for my indoor kids and they were ON IT. (Poor little guy. He was still alive so I took him outside worried that he would freeze

I can't believe the G.I. Joe thing is happening. I couldn't even get through the first one for a laugh. Unbelievably bad. I cannot stress those two words enough.

I want to go to there and play with the kitties!!!! *deep breath* Sorry, as an admitted Crazy Cat Lady this is always my first reaction to anything cat related. I would, however, very much like to fling a chicken at a tiger. I realize that there's a level of entertainment there that might not be the majestic, noble

I definitely notice there's an age to it. Most of the people I know who won't stop the constant texting are under 30. Just constant all the time. I'm on a "family" plan with 2 other people. We have never collectively gone over 500 texts in a month. (Or come close to our shared 700 minutes talking.)

haha true... I suppose that'd be like if it was New Orleans and the note said "I'll pour you a glass of BOURBON and we'll drink in the STREET*" and they said "Omg! He's planning to hit a liquor store Uptown!"

I would say more rude than selfish just from my own experiences. Friends come over to watch tv/movies and spend half the time texting people or talking about who's texting. Put the phone down.

I agree. Just applying math isn't going to fix the issues in this country. Before we could even consider a sciencey president we'd have to work from the ground up to change the culture here anyway.