Cat VonAwesome

I would totally vote for Tyson, but not necessarily because he is a scientist. But rather because he is a rational thinker who is filled with passion for education.

I tend to give leeway on geographical stuff because I don't think it necessarily means that writers don't know the area, but perhaps kind of create their own little areas for the purpose of the show. I've lived in so many places where tv shows have been filmed (currently the Treme) and sometimes they just have to

Agreed...I was really hoping he'd live just to do the opposite of every show ever.

The "mystery" was a bit more interesting. At least the forward motion on what the Doctors were up to. But, the rest is so by the books Procedural. I'm not getting any more invested in the characters. I'm just watching it go through the motions. This is going to end up my fold the laundry show, not the OMG can't miss

Hmmm good question...but since S1 was so awesome I'm just going to have faith that they know what they're doing.

I can't wait to see this. I'm so excited that they went on location rather than trying to green screen it. This is going to look amazing!

I know my mom and my big sister went to see Star Wars (original flavor) on opening day. They had no idea what it was. They just went to the theater and that's what was playing!

She is pretty cool. We're currently planning a get together in June so we can see Prometheus together and then go to Harry Potter world. My fangirling is pretty inherited.

Was I the only child who hated E.T. when it came out? I literally have seen it twice in my life. Once in the theater and once forced on that fancy new fangled HBO a year or so later. No, it wasn't that it was sad with that whole army thing, I just really, really disliked it. And still do.

Like some unholy and yet awesome Poison Ivy/Boba Fett crossover?! Can we cross the lego sets and make this happen?

Lego did an all Star Wars advent calendar last year. I really wanted to get it for my mom who is both a Star Wars fan and an Episcopal priest. 2 birds. 1 stone. Alas, I was fairly broke this past Xmas but I know what I'm getting her this year already!!

I think I want this but I'm not sure if I want a full 90 minutes of this but maybe I do...?

Same here, I'm totally ready to go into this as a serious biopic about the hidden life of Abraham Lincoln and I'm ready to have tons of fun with it and get sick off theater popcorn.

damnit I need a color printer by tomorrow!!!!

I wish I had constructive thoughts to add, but I still haven't been able to watch a lick of this since the FIRST episode because it was so realistic I almost had a full anxiety attack watching the daylight...with people. OY.

I need to finish this book! I haven't had any readin' time this week.

Me neither. I didn't see it till it was on dvd and we were fully prepared to make fun of it. But me and the friends I watched with all loved it! Someone develop this series already!

That's exactly it. It is literally not cool enough. Hockey jerseys are hard to pull off in the sub tropics. I mean possibly during the winter but that's Saints season and blasphemous.

I need Lego Xmen and Lego LOTR and Avengers to all be Lego video games as well. I'm so addicted to them!

You could though. I have a Saints jersey style shirt that has a Fleur de Lis on the front. I know that's not official player standard, but its a cool shirt. I can't wear a hockey jersey in New Orleans! ;)