Cat VonAwesome

These are pretty sweet. I'd rather have a football jersey though.


Either way... Cockles is a way better RPS than J2. ;)

Me too, me too! Through that whole movie I kept saying "I wish this was a series!"

I sometimes wish rather than making Legion, they had just given that money to Kripke for S4 & S5 of Supernatural.

I'd definitely tune in, or rather DL since I don't have cable. Part of why I love SPN is because I have such a hard on for Angel/Demon stories.

My thoughts exactly.


I'd have probably gone to the Bronze but only on the nights when Dingoes Ate My Baby was playing. I can't stand karaoke either. Caritas would probably have worn thin with me quickly.

ha! i posted the same thing before seeing this :)

Supernatural never fails to amuse me with episode titles! Other than that I'm in spoiler free mode though. No one tell me anything about anything!

This actually looks good. Like something I would pay to see in a theater! While eating a giant tub of popcorn with those little nestle crunch bites mixed in! Yay!

I second this demand!!

Or at least for large chunks of it.

hahah yes! This is me every day now!

I'm so excited it got me starred!! DANCE OF JOY!

Y'all have seen that Kristen Bell sloth video right? That is sort of how I'm getting the closer we get to Season 2 starting. I'm not sure I can handle all these emotions!

I'm fairly certain all of these noises were probably made by my super annoying and noisy neighbors downstairs. how I'm feeling all the time lately between the sloths and the bats and the dormeeses and the cats and the ITS SO FLUFFY I'M GONNA DIE.

Ok, fine, internet. YOU WIN. THINGS ARE CUTE. I GET IT. My insides are jelly and I have permanent onion eyes.