Cat VonAwesome

Exactly! I've not had trouble finding a seat in a looooong time.

Football hate doesn't have to have logic. I can't stand the Pats as a whole. But not as much as I can't stand the Dirty Birds.

For some reason this makes me think of "I know an old lady who swallowed a fly."

When I left NYC it was $10.50 a ticket with no matinee! Ridiculous. My favorite thing to do back then was the special Friday night midnight showing the Sony theater would do. I'm not sure if they still do it but when there was a big release they'd sometimes have a special midnight, one time only showing in the Imax

I'd be interested in seeing net profits minus the production and marketing costs. But realistically the easiest thing to do by Monday morning is give everyone the gross. And that net profit doesn't come into play until the film is out of the theaters anyway.

"Hollywood doesn't like using that because it would show how badly movies have fallen off as a form of popular entertainment."

Yes, I did. Because he has a smug, pouty face and he sucks. These are VERY valid reasons.

I do super ship Drew Brees & Sean Payton. They're my OTP. But I also sort of ship Brees & Jimmy Graham because it would be hotter.

"7. Find out the one thing that fans hate & why they hate it."

The only thing I could help with is American Football. The basic concepts of game play are quite easy to learn. Don't worry so much about the nuances of fouls and strategies.

Yeah, once you're reading fanfic, you're just an actual fan. And way past just "fan." That takes real time and effort and commitment.

I've finally been getting over another horrible bout of PTSD induced insomnia but now I'm sleeping but I don't feel like I've slept. Like I wake up feeling like I just went to bed even though my powered down Xbox (turns off after 6 hours) shows that I've been asleep for at least that. Anyway, idk what to do about that.

Its still my favorite show, but they've definitely got a level of camp/comedy going this season. Which really they've always had, but they're not hitting the depth they used to still hit within them. I'm sort of sickly excited to revisit Sam's fear of clowns though.

I like the Chevy ad, but we all know THIS is the Chevy that will survive the apocalypse.

At least this is within the actual definition of zombie!

Yes please.

eehhhhhhhhhhhheehhhh I don'


The only Superbowl that will ever matter will be next year when the Saints are the #1 seed and the entirety of the playoffs plus the SB are here. And then Mardi Gras happens and then we might have to shut the city down for a while because the awesome will be too much.

People get an amazing, astonished look on their faces when I tell them that I lost everything in the storm. Mostly because I only bring it up if I hear someone's obviously ignorant and bordering on racist ideas of what neighborhoods flooded. You can sort of hear them going into "those people" territory. Blows their