Cat VonAwesome

I do not envy the amount of drunk doucheyness you must deal with. Thankfully, as a museum, the drunks tend not to head our way. I'm the assistant manager at the shop. I love history but not enough to want to do it for a living. So, I get a great balance. Surrounded by it and by super smarties who are constantly

I'm sorry!! I know not all the tour guides are bad. But I have heard some DOOZIES coming from tour guides of all kinds just overhearing them while walking in the Quarter. Carriage was just the first thing that popped into my head while typing. I'm not a historian myself, but I took some LA history classes at Tulane

I asked the same question about the type of guy last night?! I would definitely be going for Marines and firemen to build my army. My friend responded simply: "There would be a much bigger investigation into the crazy murder of a marine." I guess also, it is easier to infiltrate small local police force and handle a

Yeah, I know about that one. I work at a museum/research center in the Quarter so I'm surrounded by it to a sort of exhausting level. I mean, I love it but OY VEY sometimes. Especially given how many people I talk to on a regular basis who got all of their history from a carriage driver. Its terrifying. I go into a

I think there was really only one specific cemetery in the quarter at one point. There are 2 on a 1755 plan of the city, but one of them conflicts with another more accurate map that shows property on one of those spots. I can't remember which block. Somewhere around what became Decatur street, I think.

This is pretty par for the course here in New Orleans. There are voodoo ceremonies before lots of events and many people, even those who don't practice voodoo as a religion, are known to carry gris gris with them. It is a pretty superstitious town. Even the atheists I know here harbor a lot of superstitions. (New

There are voodoo ceremonies every year at the beginning of Hurricane season. So, that was already covered. There was also a specific ceremony right before Katrina. But, while it may have staved off damage from the storm herself, it couldn't change the fact that the Army Corp of Engineers built the levees improperly

I agree with your review Annalee. There was stuff I LOVED about this episode and then there were some missed opportunities.

oh I am fairly certain I saw this in a THEATER. ON PURPOSE. It had Guttenberg! He was like Hansel for a while.

Kripke can plan out stories with endings. I trust him on that one.

Hmmmm this could actually work. Kripke does know how to plot out a story with an ending and create characters with depth. JJ is decent with the flash and big budget and using slo-mo.

YEEEES. They are the greatest band that ever existed!! EVER!!!!

*sniffle* Be excellent to each other!!!

This was difficult because I'd love to drive around the country in a beat up bus w/ Wyld Stallyns (that would rule!) but I had to vote Jem. She's excitement. She's outrageous. Fashion and fame.

Hmm... well my state actually grades higher than I expected, though still not a stellar grade. The crazy creationism/intelligent design push seems to be hindering what could be a decent program. It would be nice if our environmental sciences were outstanding considering how much we need to turn out kids with

THANK YOU!!!! This is awesome :)

Oh yeah, I've got Lost Days. Really liked that one. IDK what my thing is with Jason other than I vividly remember purchasing A Death in the Family over 20 years ago when I was about 12 (omg I'm old). I held onto that until Katrina destroyed it just 6 years ago. And then my fandoms had to collide with Jensen Ackles

And the comments have made my head hurt. I need the different series of Batman broken down for me. Or maybe just a list. And then everything that Red Hood appeared in subsequent to Under the Red Hood. Because Batman and my poor psychotic yet adorbs Jason Todd are all I care/obsess about these days.

On a side note...I thought this new 52 thing was going to help me, as a comic novice, to sort of jump in but I'm still feeling confused as ever about which issue of what to get or start with. I think its just me though.

I know just yesterday I was saying the CW should really reposition itself as the go to place for horror, sci-fi, fantasy, action-adventure (or I guess just Genre) stuff...but I meant with original or interesting shows. Though this musical, time travel adventure sounds just cray cray enough to work.