Cat VonAwesome

Plus, its not like a large majority of these guys actually DID anything. What did Charming really do? Was he witty? Or athletic? Was he running a soup kitchen out of the palace? All Eric did was almost drown. These guys were fairly personalityless to begin with.

I guess if I had to pick one, I'd probably go with Prince Philip, he did slay a dragon after all. And, truth be told, he's the only one of the princes I sort of crushed on as a kid. I think its the hat.

Thanks, I shall look into these items.

I was going to wait and read a book after each season since I had gotten hooked through the tv show. But, I couldn't hold off and I read them all. And I think I'm even MORE excited now knowing what is coming. I'm so ridiculously excited to see how they play this out on screen.

*FLAILY ARMS* I need this in my life sooner than April. I just finished Book 5 and now I'm out of GOT stuff!! Someone, give me a hit of something. Gifs...parodies...fanvids...porny fanfic...anything.

I would watch CSI: Gotham.

That's what I was going to say. Something on either Showtime or oddly, the CW.

ahhhh well that makes more sense. I was thinking who the hell would write a character like that during a ridiculous recession? thanks!

Oh my goodness jesus I'm glad I didn't watch this. Even the ads for it felt too long.

It is crappy. He should have the balls to just tell her its not going to work rather than lead her on. This show being this show and all, I'll bet they make her evil so that we get over sympathizing with her while during this situation.

If we're gonna do this can't there be at least a slightly original take on it. Flip the sexes? I like the mutation post-apocalypse version mentioned below!

These are AMAZING. I want to cuddle all of them despite my brain logic and instincts understanding that African Lion will eat my face.

Seconded about Fassbender. He brought such an amazing depth to that role. Tell me another movie where an actor has managed to get me verklempt while pretending to move things with his mind, am I right?

Same here...but did Trent do the score or just music for it? I know a lot of the songs I previews of from Dragon were covers and not original songs. Maybe it technically doesn't qualify?

Trying not to give anything away here. I haven't seen the US adaptation either but its the same story. It is a crime thriller. The lead female character is a compu-nerd of sorts. Her compu-nerding helps with the investigation. She's also a bit ummm goth/cyber-punk/industrial? As in Trent Reznor doing the soundtrack

We lived in Ft. Lauderdale for a year when I was 12. I loooooooved getting a glimpse of these guys in the canals. It was amazing to me that this animal was living so closely and so quietly to where I did. There are signs up everywhere that they are reminding people to be careful and yet, assholes still speed through

I really think this show is improving while still hanging on to the delicious fromage that I'm enjoying every week. Now that we're not spending every minute with the mayor and the sheriff (they have names...I'm sure they do...but its episode 10 and I'm still not sure what they are) in each other's faces all the time

He'll always be Ben to me. Oh hey! He should be in a movie with Pacey!

I only really watched the first Underworld because it promised Ben from Felicity as as either a hot werewolf or hot vampire or hot whatever but then I got sucked into this franchise because, really, who doesn't wish they could be a latex-wearing, gun-shooting vampire? Right?

Cool, thanks! I had it down on my tv calendar as this week, idk why.