I'm also loving this season so far. Only 2 episodes in but it feels a bit more together than last season's fun by the week but overall disjointed effort.
I'm also loving this season so far. Only 2 episodes in but it feels a bit more together than last season's fun by the week but overall disjointed effort.
I think I liked this episode more than the premiere which I almost can't remember now. Creepy science, great performances. I love that nothing was beating me over the head to show the differences in the time line, instead the writers let the viewer piece it together. I felt the lack of Peter more this week.
Srsly, Yes. That scene where he admitted to Olivia about his urges was amazing. I was at once creeped out, horrified and yet heartbroken for the character.
Same here! I think this is my favorite portrayal of the character Death. Brilliantly acted and delightfully written.
Seriously. Thank jebus there's still a show where Vamps get slayed and life for the heroes is terrifying and bleak and Faeries have to be microwaved.
Loved the ep! I hope they have gotten a good rhythm back after last season. I found last season that while I enjoyed each episode as it was happening, the season as a whole was clunky. Though I did love what they were trying to accomplish.
Its probably more just a reference to the Rolling Stones song than to Angel. Though Ben Edlund, who wrote and produced for Angel, is exec producer and writer on Supernatural now. And they do love their references.
I want to be excited about this. I vaguely remember the original Dark Shadows and loved the series remake when I was young.
Yes. That is why I'm excited about The Avengers movie. I would not otherwise be excited about it.
Finally caught Thor on dvd this week. (I'm slow, ok?!) The little Avengers preview somehow had me feeling verklempt and I realized that it had little to do with the Avengers and so much to do with this long strange trip Whedon has taken me on for lo these many years.
Agreed. I was at the viewing too. It just...eh. Lacked something? There was little tension or excitement to the film.
This was very much on purpose and a big running joke at the panel for the Year One showing at SDCC.
I saw this in its entirety at SDCC this summer. Visually great. Vocals are awesome. (Totally pleasantly surprised by McKenzie. Loved Cranston). But, I was left underwhelmed at the end. I felt like the pacing was off. I got a little bored in the middle. Still much more impressed by the Under the Red Hood offering of…
That link is also an awesome trip to how the internet looked in the 90s.
Not all cats are loners. Most are very, very social. They follow me around the house, chat with me a bunch, love attention and kill anything that tries to come near me while I sleep. (I live in the south in a 200 year old house. They keep the bad critters away.)
Indeed, my cats' favorite game is "Thunderdome." They especially love to play it at about 3:30am.
I loved this show when I was a kid and it was called Quantum Leap!
uhh I do mean actual friends. I have those. They're neat.
Freaky, someone just replied to me on Facebook with that quote too. OR its the first quote that pops up on the wiki...? ;)
I cannot believe I did not know this. I feel like a horrible pop culture freak right now.