"did you know that Louis C.K. directed Pootie Tang? And that he was more or less sacked from directing?"
"did you know that Louis C.K. directed Pootie Tang? And that he was more or less sacked from directing?"
This reminds me of the night two of my friends spent an hour arguing over whether or not a character had been impaled in the lungs or the stomach because apparently, to friend #2, the difference would ruin all of the believability of the movie for him because she should have died instantly. The film in question:…
I sell em and they sell fairly well for an aside item we just sort of decided to carry. And I'll probably be tacking a few of these on my next order...I'll be the only one who buys the Star Wars though.
I have passed this on to my friends with kids. They are responsible parents very concerned with zombie preparedness. Best to get your kids ok with the idea of shooting you early in life! Organize Before they Rise!
I believe Warner Bros tv owns Supernatural as well. (and possibly a few others, Vamp Diaries maybe?).
Its been a while since I read the book, but wasn't it a slower virus? As in, you don't turn right away after getting bitten..? Whatever, I've given up hope that this movie will be anything close to the book I loved.
Yesterday I saw on the library's $1.00 sale table a copy of Isaac Asimov's "I, Robot" with a cover that said "NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE STARRING WILL SMITH!"
Nibbler is still adorable and I still want one.
Why, thank you. My new router has been given a less nerdy but still not as well known name. I just like the idea of people on my block trying to figure out where the Singer Salvage Yard is.
For a long time my desktop computer was No. 6 so, sort of female, and my old router was Basestar.
Seconded! The first two were downright scary and a great new take on old mythology! My librarian friend alerted me yesterday that the library has placed their order for the 3rd. I'm at the top of the wait list! (I enjoy supporting my local library in efforts to save money for things like SDCC)
"Not sure if these are mutant sharks, or if there's some sciencey reason why a lake is full of them. Or if it just, you know, happens."
All hero journey stories are fairly similar though, right? We tell a lot of the same stories over and over. Its about how you tell them. A great story can be told in a terrible way or in a really awesome way. Look at the original Buffy movie vs the series. Same story told in completely different ways. One great, one…
Lucas isn't an amazing writer. But he did manage to tell one really great story in the original trilogy. But he can't even recognize the greatness he managed. Maybe he just needs some therapy, a couple hugs and a daily affirmation routine.
I voted for the ones my sister and I made up lyrics to so that we could sing with it every week. The X-Files was very experimental without a standard lyric format. Two vocalists were required.
I'm not a huge Superman fan so the costume doesn't bother me that much. Its a little odd but at least they are changing it within the confines of a new Superman story.
I always welcome help. These kids with their twitters and their youtubes!! *shakes fist*
oh that makes me sad face.
On one hand, I'd like to check out Terra Nova because I certainly enjoy dinosaurs. But on the other, I'm concerned I'm already too stuck at the time travel premise. Are they creating a new time line? Is there possibility for paradox? Is this how it happened the whole time? Will they address these issues? Will it bug…
At least to a 14 year old boy in 1995, which is now your 30-something suburban living execu-douche completely out of touch with what is edgy. Which frankly, is nothing. Its all marketing created crap now. Everytime I walk by a Hot Topic I want to yell to those kids "when I was your age we put our own safety pins in…