
“i don’t see what the problem is.”

I agree with most of this blog except Simon is more or less a waste of a roster spot. Also, Brassard is on the fourth line because he is [extremely Joe Namath voice] strug-a-ling.

she said the guy’s a freakin orange cheeto!!!!!!

tim, thank you so much for this gift.

what is the matter with you

what the fuck

unbelievable. i guess this is why they call it the no fun league.

good beef

Slime kids are buying glue by the gallon, and they are hungry for more.

yes, that’s it

some weirdo airline started offering cheap airfare from here (pittsburgh) to iceland last year and now my insta feed is full of white people in hot springs and taking pictures in front of the house where sigur rós was born

freedom of speech sometimes comes with consequences, my good bitch.

You back off East Liberty, pal. Our hipsters are parents!

Jeff.. cmon man

Carl... this is a good point. Thank you.

wow what an unbelievably bad take.

Right, but the change that was made to the ACA (eliminating the public option and replacing it with state-directed exchanges) has made that legislation all but useless for thousands of middle-Americans.

TPP would have been great for large corporate farms both in the US and abroad, but it would have been an abject disaster for family farms.

The problem is that democrats have done nothing for middle America either. Dems have supported international trade, failed to align with unions, and spent time on neoliberal half-measures (the fight for $15 $12.. health insurance with a mandate instead of medicaid for all, among other things) in an effort to move

here’s the thing though. he would have won.