cattle consciousness

Censoring them doesn’t have the effect you postulate because no one knows what content was censored except for the uploader.

Lot of people commenting on this and none have any clue what the Confederation of African Football even is.

I’ll be honest, I’m not sure what that little guy is trying to accomplish. Therefore, I’m not sure what he’s going to fail at. However - I believe that you do. You seem pretty certain. So, if you are not under strict orders, please elaborate. 

Oh got it. The methane issue. Yeah that’s a weird one. Peeps don’t like talking about cows and their gas, understandably. Still, gotta solve for it.

Would have been hilarious if you just left up that picture with no text after it. Idea for a future article. Maybe do a pic of Biden looking serious or empathetic though for max engagement.

What? Will what?

Nice thought, but totally impractical. Plus we can just raise taxes to cover any overspend. Probably should do that anyway just to stick it to ‘em.

My entertainment won’t.

David, why would you care what conspiracy morons think? We should care whether their weird conspiracies are able to spread to normal people. To that extent, the fact that we can apply extensive evidence to their skepticism should solidify in the minds of normal folks that they are indeed insane.

You are just jealous of Joe, as they say. Most Warren supporters are. Door’s still open for y’all to head on over to Joe’s Jamboree. 

You should apply for congress when we change the money rules then.

NY Times got Trump elected and is in his pocket. They work for Trump and Russia now. They normalize him by degrees. 

Put a lot a thought into it already. Don’t need to show my work.

he cute

45k/year is literally the perfect number.

Who cares about plagiarizing facts? I certainly don’t. Facts are facts. Can’t copyright a fact. That article is pure nonsense.

This woman said she was Native American. She lied. I don’t trust that she’ll follow through on anything she says. She just wants power for herself. You can see it in her shifty, beady eyes.

Biden is the real climate reformer. Warren is just telling folks what they want to hear. $2T isn’t enough either. Joe’s plan is $7T. More than enough.

Why censor skepticism if events are so well-documented?
