cattle consciousness

People aren’t smart enough to always hold the opinion we want them to hold. If we censor them we can at least make it seem like they are.


Obama’s policy was super innovative.

We were never going to win the Kavanaugh battle. It wasn’t possible because of the Senate. We need to start focusing on battles we can win and stop focusing on shooting ourselves in the damn foot all the time. We can’t impeach Trump. Can’t do it and can’t do it for the same reason we couldn’t stop Beer Kavanaugh.

Walmart is Amazon’s biggest competitor. Bernie is going after Walmart for Amazon. If he was honest - he’s not - he’d go after both. 

This new site layout sucks. Pls tell tech folx to change back asap. 

Sounds pretty bad. Therefore, winning is essential. So how do we win in 2020 It’s not as impossible as it sounds...

This is a really good meme. Mind if I share it on Facebook?

Latin is a dead language used only by doctors, priests, Latin speakers, and other folks around the world. Sorry to be the one to tell you. 

The easiest way to roll back marijuana legalization is to legalize shrooms and say “this is medicine too!” Average Jose sixpacks will freak out when they see people going nuts on shrooms and the fascists will win a pretty bid social victory here. Good job Oakland!


Bernie will not be awarded the nomination. The earlier his fans realize that, the better off we all will be. Biden can win and he’s focused on CC. Good enough.

Pls provide helpful input.

The waitress does not understand, cannot conceptualize, what one trillion dollars means let alone ten. This is high comedy.

Russia Today? Wow & Yikes. The Cut? What is The Cut?

Washington Examiner? Classy source...

Watches are jewelry. Real men do not wear jewelry.

No he didn’t.

You don’t need a union campaign to be pro-union. In fact, the easiest way to fake a pro-union platform is to unionize the five people in your campaign and point to them as evidence of your hardcore pro union ideas. 

I’m a real life Indian!