cattle consciousness

Terrible speech. WWII was filled with nuance. Trump makes it seem like there were clear cut good guys and bad guys.

Gonna have to take issue with your use of “Legends” in the headline. The word means something. A legend, in this colloquial use, is meant to be an entity whose story will last indefinitely. These soccer players don’t quite fit. Nobody knows who they are. They may - but probably won’t - become legends, but they

I’ve done the research. It’s a good idea.

Right. So let’s move on.

There are plenty of academic groups comprised of doctors and scientists that question the validity, risk, and necessity of vaccines.

Knowingly appropriating Native American culture and identity for your own monetary, social, and political gain is unforgivable evil, not a “kerfluffle.”

Coming from someone who probably thought Bernie was the greatest presidential candidate of all time even though he couldn’t get out of the primaries without self-destructing. Sorry, but if you want to win - and it seems you do - Biden is our only shot. The guy’s been around the block, knows all the dealers, and has a

Liz Warren is the Bernie Sanders of 2020. Splitting the party, handing Trump the victory.

No you can only apply to be in politics if you only have 45k/year. Or less.

Pls provide helpful tips on how to 10/10?

It’s the perfect way to get the right people in there.

Biden’s the real deal.

Whoever opposes borders the most. Despite what Anna’s saying here, conservatives are def not focused on how she ended her life but who her alleged rapist was.

Unfortunately conservatives are saying that the best treatment in this case would have been to end their current asylum practices.


Yeah it’s my favorite league and I know everything about it.

That one is too timid to speak truth to ignorance seems not a very good reason to pursue censorship. Sounds like a personal problem.

You clearly have zero understanding of the well-documented

Oh. Got it. Yeah totally disagree there.

Again, it is not the tiny clique of insanity that one should be concerned with, as they will always exist just as you say. It’s whether their insanity can spread to normal people.