cattle consciousness

The question is, Is this really an outbreak or the media just wants you to vaccinate? Do you know how many cases on measles in Ukraine now? Estimated 120 that's alot

Yes, because nothing squelches a conspiracy theorist’s suspicions quite like censoring dissenting opinions. /s

Fuck it, you must be absolutely destitute to run for office. Then we’ll dump you with 165k a year!

Checks under bed.

Oh boy, censorship!

Go fuck yourself, Tomato

Agreed.  This is why I am such a fan of Bernie.

“All the money. We need all the money, is what I’m saying. No more spending on anything except restructurings. In fact, we’re going to just build a giant platform over the entire world, covered in solar panels and wind turbines, and then we’re all gonna live under it. In the dark. We’re gonna become the mole

Bernie leads while Democrats follow. That’s why he is the clear choice in 2020. If you support anyone besides Bernie in the 2020 primary your bitter spite is helping elect Trump.