
Sure, then when they arrive at their next relationship and take that out on a whole new woman who didn’t find them unattractive at all, they perpetuate their own disappointment. Rejection is hard for everyone but bitterness is universally unattractive.

Are we actually going to start asking men to start questioning their preferences? Because from what I can tell, most of the pressure to do this is put on feminist-leaning women. So far, I’ve been told that it’s not reasonable for me to want a guy who has a job or a college degree or who doesn’t live with his parents,

I’m pretty short and I’m not at all turned off by short guys - my last boyfriend was barely 5’5”. But you know what is really unattractive? Short guys who are furious about it and think that they were betrayed by the universe, that they ought to have had some much better life than whatever disappointment they’ve

“Lots of hetero people are hung up on height when it comes to dating.”

Saying she had been in a ‘state of shock’ since the incident, she explained that when ‘hundreds of migrants broke through the police cordon, one of them ran into me, and I panicked.’

She kicks because she cares! To you, that might look like a foot. But to me, it looks like a heart. A toey, xenophobic heart.

“I’m not a heartless, child-kicking racist; I was just filled with panic at the idea of brown, foreign people entering my country which resulted in my leg involuntarily travelling through the air to make contact with a child!”

Does she understand that we all have eyes and can see her?

FFS, lady, they don’t even want to STAY in your country. And you know what else? Those people’s grandfathers, as British subjects at the time, probably helped save your grandparents’ asses in BOTH world wars.

“I’m not a heartless, child-kicking racist.”

The T-1000 tracks them down and they are “deactivated?”

Whoa... the Uber drivers down under sound insane. You better run; you better take cover.

They can use Uber’s app to pick up fairs....supposedly.

“We have a strict policy to deactivate any partner that exhibits aggressive or abusive behaviour

Shut down their football program for the year. No excuses. Getting sick of the violence both here and abroad. If you stand aside and allow this type of activity, you are a big part of the problem.

Ask the 35k who got shitcanned at HP thanks to her if she’s the most qualified “to do this job.”

However, let’s not get ridiculous with all this talk of Michelle Duggar being a master at shade. She pulled off this one time, don’t go crazy.

Every time they showed Serena’s face during the last set, she looked emotionally worn out and on the verge of tears. It’s plain to everyone with eyes that this was a very difficult match, for a lot of reasons. This reporter giving her a hard time can go jump off a cliff.

The thing is guys are never asked that question, especially sports guys. I literally cannot think of a time a guy was asked why he wasn’t smiling.

She’s not acting like a nice product. Be nicer, product! Shows of humanity will be deducted from your final score.