
Maybe it’s because I am 5’0” 195lbs... but I have been 5’0” and 135lbs (Not to mention DD boobs) and in no way can I possibly consider that anywhere in the realm of “fat.” To me that is super in shape. I don’t have a problem with fat, but I just don’t think any reasonable person would consider a 5’1” 135lb woman or a

If the other cousins are in the wedding, and this one cousin is not - everyone will notice it and it will be A Thing the rest of their lives. The cousin’s parents will wonder why their daughter is being singled out, and they may get mad (people get even more mad on behalf of their children than themselves). People

My question about grad students being able to do their own homework was rhetorical, i.e., passive aggressive. I’ve been a grad student and yes, you do your own fucking homework. The only good reason I can think of for her helping him is that he’s studying in her field, but since she’s already been dissatisfied in the

I also think that the fiance really needs to chill out about the cousin and accept the fact that not everyone that loves your partner is going to be 100% on board with you all the time.

Yeah, that seemed weird to me. If he's in grad school, he shouldn't really need any help with his homework. For christ sakes, he's not a child! Seeing red flags here. Cousin is correct.

Overall, bride seems very immature. She admits that she let her anger at fiancé pile up without telling him, which led to a temporary breakup. She seems to be letting her irritation at the cousin fester as well, and by letting fiancé in on a conversation that happened while they were broken up (which isn’t fair to

No, that stuck out to me, too. Cousin would have been wise to be a bit more measured in her response to the letter writer’s undoubtedly impassioned bitching about her now fiance, but I don’t think cousin is at all out of line in her general concern. Letter writer sounds like she may very well be deluding herself.

I urged my bestie to break up with her boyfriend once because he was being controlling and douchey and not meeting her halfway (literally - they were long distance and he refused to visit her bc he didn’t like the city we lived in, so she spent a lot of time visiting him and not building relationships where we lived)

Speaking of red flags, am I the only one wondering why she’s working 60 hours a week AND helping him with schoolwork, i.e. doing some of his full time job as well? Can’t a grad student do his own homework?

I feel like the first case is more common than we think. How many times have we spoken to (or wanted to speak to) a friend about red flags we see in their relationships or partners? And if they go ahead and marry that dude/tell the dude about your’re pretty much bound to get into an awkward situation.

With the wedding/cousin situation, the bride really needs to decide what she wants her relationship with her cousin to be. This is not about her fiance’s feelings about the cousin, this is about if the bride wants to forgive the cousin for having a moment of (too real) real talk, and resume their formerly superclose

30?? Jeez. Tell her I just got married to someone actually awesome at age 33... ten years after divorcing someone very not-awesome. 30 isn’t old. =P
(and seriously, single isn’t bad at all. Only on TV. But it’s something you can’t appreciate until that soul-sucking loneliness and self-effacement lifts after you get

Stage an intervention for your daughter. Her husband is a bad habit she needs to kick. She needs to know how people really feel about this asshole jerk and how he treats her.

I thought to myself, “These can’t possibly be all that bad.”

Good for you!! Seriously, this complete stranger is very proud of you. Realizing what you want and going for it means you’re a complete badass

I just spent the night at the hospital with my SO post divorce because my kiddo was looking like he had appendicitis. Long story short - he’s amazing. I can’t imagine having spent such a long stressful night with my ex.

It sounds like you are/were in a “starter marriage.” Have you ever heard this term? Google it. It’s a really interesting concept. I have a few friends who were in your situation. Everyone moved on, and the lack of kids helped, but what sucked was as a friend you inevitably have to choose one of the spouses over the

I’ve been divorced for almost 10 years now and my time married seems like another world, a time that didn’t happen. I will never ever regret filing for divorce, and I think I’m a pretty happy person BECAUSE I changed my life like that.

I was in terror of getting my divorce, and while it was painful, in the long run it was so much better for my ex and I. It was better because we were not happy! I now have been with my soulmate for 3 years and have been happier in this marriage in the last 3 than I was in the 10 I was married to my ex. I don’t cry