I was an extremely odd pre-teen when I first saw this movie, but I daydreamed quite a bit about my own romantic ghost like Captain Gregg. The last scene of this movie still makes me choke up. So nope, no busting Daniel Gregg.
I was an extremely odd pre-teen when I first saw this movie, but I daydreamed quite a bit about my own romantic ghost like Captain Gregg. The last scene of this movie still makes me choke up. So nope, no busting Daniel Gregg.
My better half and I saw Dr. John play along with the Meters as a triple act with the Neville Brothers. Dr. John was amazing that night and a presence to behold as he strode on the stage with his cane like a New Orleans deity. While the Nevilles were a big disappointment (Aaron was obviously feuding with his kin…
That version is on heavy rotation in our house around the holidays. My husband and I mentioned it was odd they both passed so close to each other :(
For the record, the title of his famous studies in German is:
My mom made the Julia Child version for years, with a bit of mustard (because damn, Germans will look for any reason to use pickles!) My husband always laughs when I try deviled eggs at farm to table places, because I invariably will say, “God these are bland—my mom made MUCH better ones”.
At the time the movie came out, I was a huge Anne Rice fan, and yes, Interview with a Vampire was a rather big disappointment. And I still shudder at the casting of Tom Cruise as a blonde vampire.
Add that and the Jet Jaguar song and you really have a great movie. Just ask the guys at MST3K..
My reaction was, wait isn’t that just 2 hours of the best parts of kaiju movies?
I was going to post that. Kudos!
I’ve always loved the regional southern accents. One of my aunts came from Georgia and I loved the way she talked. Honestly, I’m one of those people that could listen to recordings of Shelby Foote talking about the Civil war for days.
I came here to post that. Thank you, I’m not alone in posting random lyrics in response to news stories.
Actually, Wikipedia’s explanation of it originating as “Cheese pie” makes a bit more sense: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chess_pie
My mom made a great buttermilk based “chess pie”, but I have to the say the best one I’ve ever had was at the Pie Ranch just outside of Pescadero, CA on Highway 1. It took considerable reserve not to eat the whole thing on the drive back home.
I remember watching this movie in college with my dorm mates on one of those “afternoon movie” shows where they split movies over several days. For some reason this is only scene that has stuck with me over the years because of the British general with his dog yelling at his reports: “The sooner you get off the beach,…
And you know you would never see something like this on an American TV music contest:
I love his photographs, but I’ve always been drawn to black and white photos. In our family photos, there’s a photo of my Dad on a Pony, which was taken by Weegee outside my grandparents house in NYC.
Seeing as the winning nation has to host the next contest site, it was probably the only economically feasible solution as well.
My British friends got me into Eurovision. I don’t think we can match that level of weirdness and dare I say, awesomeness in a US version. Eurovision tends to be pure camp at times and I just don’t see that translating well. We’d just make it into a huge American Idol/ Americas got talent affair.
We are going to Berlin, Nuremberg and Munich for the “Weinachtsmarkt” season this year and you can bet that getting my fill of Currywurst is on the list.
Well, there goes the next few hours before I go to bed..oooh there’s Eurovision radio stations?????