
The endgame here is marrots made from Impossible Meat or lab-grown meat.

Go to the NY State Dept of Labor, NOT federal, you can only file a complaint with one or the other, and the laws are a lot more favorable to the employee for NY State. Also google employment lawyers, call a couple. Some might be willing to take you on. If your restaurant has been doing this a while, they might be

also an apt description of The Beatles.

What’s with all that banging?  Put the flat of the blade and press.  

I like that most of his salsa and sauces (maybe all) are gluten free, soy free, and lactose free. With manufacturers throwing in shortcuts in everything, his are not messed around with. You want to up your flavor game on Mexican dishes, grab the Adobo sauces and have at it.

“I really love making people happy” - You are exactly who should be customer facing. So many misanthropes in the Salty comment sections and in real life service jobs - if you all hate interacting with people so much, get a different job or figure out how to do the one you have well without the customers’ experience

Now playing

A bunch of the old MTV stuff like unplugged and some of the live concerts they had like Nirvana when they were music oriented and not reality TV shows. Some videos I like. As you can see I am an old electronic music nut.

why is it always applebees?

My girlfriend thinks I'm a weirdo for eating cold fried chicken, but honestly, SHE'S the weirdo because it's awesome

It’s the reason that the British Empire existed.  Another meal of mushy peas and boiled meat sent someone over the edge, and the next thing you knew, the British were imposing their reign over native peoples everywhere.

I don’t bother asking, because I always get the feeling that when I ask, “What do you recommend tonight?” all the server hears is, “What did your manager tell you to push tonight, because maybe he just ordered too much of it and he wants to move it before it goes bad?”

I love that Scrimshaw is getting love. Heavily underrated.

The ending of Pygmalion had Eliza leaving tho, and Higgins was left to deal with the consequences of his own bullshit. Shaw ended up having to put an essay at the end of the play to explain why wanting a relationship between the two misses the point of the play.

“Time to put in my contacts. Ugh. Worst part of the day.”

Their new (at least to Colorado) Laguna Baja (Vienna Lager) is almost as good as Scrimshaw.

Scrimshaw is really underrated.

There are individual joints in NJ and Connecticut that can compete with the best of NYC. The rest of the world is pretty much a lottery ticket whether you get a decent slice.

NorCal has Pizza My Heart, which used to be balls-to-the-wall amazing but their so-called award winning crust now gets soggy in mere minutes so I don't go there much anymore.

Okay, quick show of hands:
How many of you are "The Original Ray's Pizza"…?

New York then Boston then everything else is fucking trash.