
I’ve got one I call “Old Gray Thing” that I always forget to post. It was a paranormal encounter but I’m still not sure what exactly it was, and I’ve always been curious if anyone else has seen one too. I’m doxxing myself if anyone I know reads this, but here goes nothing...

Roller coaster story - this past summer we went to Disney World. My oldest daughter is 8 and quickly decided she is obsessed with roller coasters. On our final day, she and I went back to the park to ride Space Mountain, her favorite, one final time. It’s late in the evening, close to fireworks, so the line isn’t bad.

Does she know? Does she know?

I grew up in a small historic town in New Jersey and have a couple ghost stories, but this is the one I’m going to share: In high school and college I worked at a restaurant that was originally an old inn from the 1700s. One Sunday afternoon, I picked up the phone at the hostess station and had a chilling conversation

LOVE this time of the year! First time commenter, longtime reader. I have quite the haunting experience that still brings chills and fear to me...nearly nine years after the fact. I call it...

That’s lovely.

My stepgrandmother was a very religious every day, prayers before every meals, you get it. She also lived to a ripe old age and was well and “with it” all the way through. She only lived with her daughter towards the very end of her life and even then, it was more out of convenience than need.

Have you thought about planting something like an elderberry or hawthorn tree/shrub along your property line? Both trees have a reputation for banishing/repelling evil spirits - the Elder tree is particularly good. The leaves and berries are used for protection and in breaking spells that were cast against you or to

This isn’t too scary, maybe just a bit spine tingling.

I’ve never been a person who believes in ghosts, but the events I’ll recount here are simply difficult to square rationally. They’ve been quite unsettling for quite some time.

First off, this isn’t SPOOKY, just incredibly strange. I’m an incredibly pragmatic and practical person, but to this day, I can’t explain this one.

When I was about 14 I went down to San Antonio with my family and a buddy of mine. We were staying at a hotel that was right next to Six Flags Fiesta Texas. Since we were staying at the hotel they gave us free tickets and early access to the park, which was awesome. So me and my buddy go in and we are basically the

This is by far— by FAR— the freakiest thing that has ever happened to me.

Back in the early 2000s I moved in with a now ex-boyfriend. He lived in a bungalow style house in one of the neighborhoods of a large midwestern city. This happened when I was taking a personal day from work after moving in to finish getting things arranged and unpacked.

My parents thought they were just going to have one chid-me. My mom had my brother the summer before I started fourth grade. I was *relatively* okay with this. My mom had a c-section, and her mom came to stay because my baby brother was freaking huge and my dad had to get back to work.

Made this account purely to participate because I have a recent weird experience. This story is from about two months ago. I have no clear explanation for what the hell happened and it took me three attempts to work myself up to remembering it in enough detail to write it down. Here goes.

“The Running Man”

Two years ago, I got severely, awfully sick (probably the flu). I didn’t go to work for the entire week. It was all I could do just to keep myself drinking liquids and soup and shuffling to bed. The worst part was my husband was traveling for business, so I was all alone, just me and our sweet black cat Libby.

This is a tale from the 90's, that long ago time when land lines ruled king of communications. It was during this hypercolor era that I was left alone one evening on my family’s 120 acre plot of land in the Great Piney woods of East Texas. The house that we lived in was a bit ramshackle with the original shack my

I got into a fight with my boyfriend one night. For some reason we left my apartment to go to his new place we were both moving into even though there wasn’t any furniture in it it. We argued more and boned on the floor and argued more and then decided we should go back to my place so we could sleep in a bed. We were