
The little devil on my shoulder is now saying, “You know, you could scare the hell out of someone with a ghillie suit.” 👻

Please tell me she wasn’t making observations of your ghost friends, lol.

Oh. Shit.

Miracle Whip does not work, FYI to the dear readers. It must be real mayonnaise.

Miracle Whip does not work, FYI to the dear readers. It must be real mayonnaise.

I believe the author was Sorcia McNasty. That one scared me, too.

This times a million

Love the color, and your ring.

omg, I’ve never seen that one!

You are braver than I to go into that morgue.

The church sleepover where she ran around banging on the windows? (Too fast to be possible.)

I hope that cop was in uniform. Also, how did he find out the guy’s name? Wallet or other effects?

This is an unintentional spoopy story due to phrasing. 😳

Some may say it is too dark, but, well... *gestures expansively*

Hey, bait and switch, I starred your prior comment. 😀

You would definitely be wrecked by White Bear, then. Amazing TV, not sure I ever wanna watch again.

I’m a little worried about Theon sitting the throne at the end, too.

It’s been a while since I read the books, but from the way Cersei refers to “Ser Robert Strong” almost as an inside joke, I thought that they had used another head, perhaps even from the remains of Robert Baratheon. She obviously hated him, so it’s the kind of sick thing she would do, to balance the scales in death

Freaking brilliant.

Wow, I never knew I wanted this until now!