Dear God...
Dear God...
OMG, I can’t believe they are dogsplaining to you.... *sigh*
So, I looked at the picture again, and I totally lied - I think it is actually a Northern Mockingbird. That’s a little more special and fun. My food advice still stands, since they are omnivores.
Totally understand. Hopefully they should hear it. It might have just clammed up in fright for a while. They wake up at like 4:00 am... (early birds and all that)
Here’s some more info:
It looks like a robin. Are you sure the wing is broken? Because fledglings just do that flutter-hop thing - their flight feathers aren’t all grown out yet. It should hopefully have parents around, so as much as you can leave it alone in a safe environment where it’s free to come and go, and keep the dog away, it might…
Hmm, is Judge Brown giving herself away here?
I had the same question but perhaps indirectly: Students get paid $xx,xxx dues cost $yyy; students/union complain that they are now only making $xx,xxx - $yyy and the end result is a compensatory increase in stipends that does get covered by the university.
TWICE now I’ve seen this story and thought it was talking about Amal Clooney instead. I was very confused as to what George had done.
Despite the hair color, Eric has always reminded me of Jonah. He seems like he has the same winning personality.
Give me sugar! In water.
In an ironic twist, Ben Carson is the one who needs a brain...
Yes, my boundaries and MIL’s lack of them (she’s one of 9 siblings who all live in the same rural area!) are a bit of an issue, too. She’s nice, though, so I got off very easy in that dept.
I got minor cold feet on my wedding morning, but it turned out to be nbd, and my most sensible friend talked me thru it. We’re 11 years in and still very happy.
If you can - make it so each is responsible for managing your own families and running interference on their little quirks.
I have no idea what this means, but it’s funny anyway...
The cat was coming from inside the house!!!
My cats believe strongly in safety first, and thus wake me up every night by vomiting.