Catherine Heathcliff

If Warren’s or Harris’s poll numbers drop significantly, and we get 10,000-word profiles in return, perhaps I’ll eat these words, but I’m not counting on it."

Conditions in those jobs that lead to burnout are typically not a result of breaking labor laws, but are just job expectations so companies are under no obligation to change their policies/procedures.

I’m a restaurant manager, and pretty good at what I do for the level I’m at... And burnout is a huge thing obviously, and unfortunately kind of unavoidable. I also have had real bad pain issues over the last year from both injuries and likely chronic/autoimmune problems just like my mom. I usually end up dealing with

Example: I asked my very rigid boss if I could leave an hour early for a doctor’s appointment. She told me to take an hour of sick time along with a reminder that the work day is 9-5. Okay then. A few weeks later, she asked me an urgent question on Saturday of a three day weekend. I responded to her first thing

With some imagination, rules are too easy and so fun to bend.

That’s so sweet. I used to be really cynical about public celebrations like this, when I was younger and dumber. But I’ve realized how important it is to savor moments like this in public life. Things don’t always go our way. We shouldn’t take it for granted when they do.

Your dissertation committee may not always catch errors depending on the way you constitute your committee and also depending on the resources that are available at the institution and also department specific policies. Reviewers at a journal however, close read papers for those kinds of inconsistencies. It is why

Oh geez. I knew some of these guys when I was in college. Older, sensitive, slightly effeminate guy who just wants to read poetry/drink coffee/play chess/play his music for you/sleep next to you/just make out a little at your dorm room or the room he rents in a “collective” that has a twin mattress on the floor.

I read an article by a female scholar of the Qu’ran - and I wish I could remember more about her comments - but the one I DO remember is that the Qu’ran speaks about plentiful dates (the fruit) in heaven and NOT hosts of willing virgins which was a similar word but not the correct one. So all those guys blowing

I would love it if Biden were a token candidate to draw fire away from the real Democratic candidate. However the Democratic party these days has shown itself to be incapable of that kind of Keyser Söze shit.  Most of the Democrat leaders are no better than the Republican leaders.  They’re more interested in

I really don’t understand why he’s running in the first place. He’s hella old, a white dude, tons of baggage, and only really has any position in the polls right now because people like to remember Ol’ Handsome Joe from the Obama years. Once he hits the campaign, he’ll crash and burn like he always has.

You’d think one of her psychic friends could have told her how that sort of comment would go over...

I’ve been turned down for dates by more women than I can count. When I started trying to date as a teenager, my mom (divorced) would tell me, “Okay. Well, she doesn’t want to go out with you. Maybe she doesn’t like you or you’re not her type. Figure out how to be better and move on.”

Honestly, he sounds great. Some people just aren’t confrontational. My husband would have been surprised when I pointed it out, somewhat agreed with me, but no way would he have done that. And he is a good person, not a dick. You’ve got a good one.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot. The NC bathroom law (that directly affected less than 5% of the N/A population) caused all sorts of corporate boycotts. The Sultan of Brunei had to back off on his enforcement of sharia law re homosexuality due to hotel boycotts. But I’m not hearing a lot about corporate reaction

Everyone is angry now. Angrier than they were 5 years ago and a LOT angrier than they were 10 years ago. The big things that I should rightfully be angry about make me feel small, insignificant and powerless, so I get irrationally angry at co-workers' attitudes, other parents at the park, my cat for walking around the

No one knows that because they didn’t offer it to her. She would have made the most sense. She’s now smart, schooled in court politics and identifies as human, unlike Mr. Three Eyed Raven. 

The bigger question is if she did that, why the hell didn’t Yara and the Prince of Dorne also demand indepedence for their kingdoms?

People think you’re rude when you say, “I’m not in the talking mood, thanks.” Then it’s even more awkward for the rest of the ride (and the driver gives you a bad review).

I wish I could do this at the salon.