Catherine Heathcliff

I’m over the whole ‘schlub with an attactive woman’ sitcom trope, though. 

Rubber ducky you’re the one you make bath time
..... Arh, why , why, dear god the duckmanity.

It’s the Alabama law in this article that has been made literally just to challenge Roe vs. Wade. You act like you are a thoughtful person trying to see both sides, but really you just don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground.

Pro-choice IS the two sides. Have an abortion or don’t. That’s your choice, like every

Women who were socialized to do it, as you say, still aren’t obliged to do it. I keep seeing comments about how men are capable of ignoring messes at home and women end up doing it; as other comment said it, don’t do it. We can train ourselves to stop caring so much. Nobody dies if you only have bread and butter to

Stop doing the nighttime routine. Go sleep at a friend’s house for a week. By the time you reappear, your husband will have worked out how to put your kid down. It may be different from the way you do it, but all that matters is that your kid sleeps. If he complains about being underappreciated, you can tell him that

I’d just like to say, it doesn’t have to be this way. There are men who jump into fatherhood with gusto and reject praise for their household contributions. You can probably tell before you have kids, too. Did he stick you with all the wedding planning? Does he do housework like a grown up? Does he make his own

This is an old video, but hearing your news just made it 100% relevant.

Joe’s “electability” should have been nipped in the bud before he even began his campaign. He eviscerated Anita Hill, which got Clarence Thomas on the court, which wrote the playbook for getting Kavanaugh on the court.

Except that’s not what is at issue here. The issue is that swaths of Democratic voters have mentally eliminated people Sanders or Warren from contention because of some misguided idea about “electability.”

Fuck this concept in the ear with the sharpest dick. Same goes for Alyssa Milano’s hot take.

Most people who label themselves feminists stay excluding anyone who isn’t a white upper-middle class cis woman.

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I’m just going to leave this here... because as usual, Natalie hits the nail on the head

Honestly, I have nothing against folks who want a space away from men. That’s a reasonable reaction, given how men have treated and currently treat women/enbies. But in any movement, there will always be those in whom the ideology will curdle into something hateful and bigoted, because there are bigots in every group

That’s a lie. I see ads for employment at Uber and Lyft as if it were a steady 9-5.

Gig economy” is not an economy, it’s an unsustainable scam.

Uber had no desire to compete in the market. They priced themselves so that they could crush cab companies, first with lower fare, and better wages. They changed their model right quick when the competition was weak. Uber created the abuses. Uber is responsible for destroying the driver economy, and in working as

This is adorable and I love that she’s “allowed” to look appropriately post-partum. I mean, she looks amazing and not for a million dollars could I have made that walk in those heels two days after giving birth, but her dress is not designed to hide the fact that she’s just spent nearly a year making a whole new

This comment section is depressing af. I think you hit a nerve with a certain demographic of “liberal” voter that were imagining a book club with Mayor Pete

The primary is going to primary. We're just wondering why he's getting more attention than women with actual policies? What does Pete stand for? 

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These are based off of police blotter and news reports in Florida.