
I mean, say what you will about Elizabeth Holmes, but my god is she an amazing pioneer in the field of gender equality for massive corporate con-jobs. 

You know you’re ok if you can laugh about it later! :) 

I only read that story and I am thrown. I am sorry you went through that! 

re: the rare person who did not care for A Star Is Born

I am not afraid to be critical of Colton, but I do think he deserves a little more credit for his conversation with Caelynn. When talking about his ex’s assault, he acknowledged being on the outside by saying “who am I to feel this way?” or something to that effect. That allowed Caelynn to elaborate on the way that

Having been canceled 4 years ago, it definitely doesn’t count as new but I will never not recommend Drop Dead Diva on articles like this. It’s so underrated and Brooke Elliott is a goddess. 

I understand where you’re coming from. Thankfully, there were tens of thousands of women to pick from. The staff picked who they wanted. I’m not a fan of Ariana Grande’s music at all, but damn if her story didn’t resonant this year. She rushed from one codependent relationship straight into another one, only to have

In the tapes the CBS lawyers showed, they thought that Eliza cursing on set was all the proof they needed to show that SHE was the problem. The video contained cut and dry examples of sexual harassment happening in real time, and it didn’t even register to them that they were shooting themselves in the foot. But a

I was a kid when that show was on and I loved Cybil. I thought she and Christine Baranski were the best, I wanted to be a lady like that someday and to this day whenever I drink vodka I think of Christine Baranski and her endless martinis. <3

85 of conflict pauses between Israel and Gaza were broken by Israel. That means that the vast majority of times there had been more than 24 hours without an exchange of fire (aka an opportunity to cool down and begin negotiations), Israel opened fire and reignited the conflict. Israeli regularly fires missiles into

“Arafat shot it down in 2000.”

That’s not true. At all. Arafat was presented with a “take-it-or-leave-it” deal that Barak knew neither Arafat nor any leader could possibly take. And even then, Arafat begged Barak and Clinton for the negotiations to continue and that he be allowed to present a counter-proposal.

lol she’s Palestinian-American. Of course she would me more naturally inclined to support BDS. Why shouldn’t she? Her family’s house was razed , she was expelled from the only home she knew and Israelis have weaponized anti-Semitism to the point that even non-violent advocacy for her fellow countrymen is denounced by

Rita Ora is the fetch of the music world.

Dear Scottish Rite Dormitory,

Get our name out of your goddamned mouth you cockwombles.



I feel like Asians having the highest average earnings is from a smaller sample size being skewed by Emma Stone.

Here is a thing I wrote yesterday about this very article:

He was super sketchy in a lot of ways and did a lot of other power-play type crap on the date. Thankfully, a good friend of mine was at the concert we went to, and so I basically hung out with her the whole time, then drove him home and dropped his ass off at the curb. We worked together, but as luck would have it,

I watched this with a massive smile on my face and some little tears pricking at the corners of my eyes, and I have to say I think I love this woman now. I have a huge appreciation for her as a person, and I can't believe how self aware and strong she is. You go Ari. 
