Secret Bananaphone

I understand where you are coming from but I've got to disagree. I think people often get it on more during hard times. I mean, what else is there to do (when you're not busy just surviving? There aren't a lot of pleasures left to be had.

I'm going to be pissed if they hook up. I'm out if Rick & Michonne don't happen!

this message is pretty targeted at Texan spring breakers, many of whom go to places like South Padre Island (in Texas) where it's only a short drive to cross the border in to Matamoros - which is not safe. Yes it's sad to make blanket statements but certain border towns in Texas have become dangerous - much more so

you are right. - drunken 20 year olds totally deserve to be the victims of violent crimes!

it looks like a wig to me. . .

will they give him kitty dentures?

right? I've been in 8 weddings. Didn't like any of the dresses & never wore any of them again, but who honestly gives a crap? I celebrated my friend (or sister, or cousin) & drank & partied in all of my ugly dresses.

have you ever put on & taken off leather leggings? I have & it's kind of a bitch. I can't fathom how ridiculously long it would take me to wrestle my baby into them.

not with my almost 10 month old.hw loves the bath but he's a wild man, so it's stressful!

I have an almost 10 month old who won't stop standing up in the tub & then falling down & almost splitting his head open - of course I try to hold onto his arm when he repeatedly stands, and then it seems like I'm going to pull it out of the socket when he falls over! It is all very stressful & not the lovely occasion

also, I'm thinking Mimi-Rose is supposed to be successful & art-starrish a la Jonathan Booth.

Ugh, I hated Charlie. He was grossly earnest. He had all the sexual charm of a cold shower.

but why don't the other men have more facial hair? Why does Glen always have a chin like a baby's bottom? Daryl is scruffy but no mountain man, and I think Eugene & red are pretty clean looking too. This perplexes me. . .

meh, Rick is pretty good considering it's the apocalypse. I think the reason we've never seen Michonne challenge his judgment is because she has generally always been on the same page as Rick.

honestly, where are you even getting that in Arquette or the posters comment? Was Arquette's follow up comment unartfully expressed? Sure. But many of the comments on Jezebel remind me of why liberalism will always be a failure (and how old conservatives probably love moments like this) - the perceived microaggresions

thank you for this. It cracks me up (and saddens me) that the commenter describes maternity leave as "a perk" of having children. I think I was more or less insane for the first 5 or 6 weeks after having my baby.

the twelve year timespan is the essence of Boyhood though, if you took that away you would not have a movie?

while Kanye might make a questionable designer, you are right that he takes this stuff quite seriously & seems incredibly well-versed in fashion. He's been open about his references - Alaia, Raf Simmons, Helmut Lang & Heidi Slimane. I've got a feeling he probably explains inspiration to people who actually then

So what you're telling me is to let my single girlfriends know that they should consider donating an organ of they want a good man?

because he shouldn't be angry at her of embarrassed of her behavior - it's completely normal. Now feeling embarassed by or angry at his own decision to bring her might be appropriate. . .