Secret Bananaphone

Because it's obviously not just about that. I think the court made the right decision, but my heart aches for her nonetheless. She wants a connection to the daughter she lost via a grandchild, not to just have a new daughter.

My heart aches for this woman even though I think the court made the right decision.

I’ll put my odds at 75%. The writers have wasted so much of our time, which means they are crappy writers, if he is really dead. Ned Starks death started the wheels turning, Rob Stark & co’s deaths were shocking, little Shireen was sweet, but in no way central to any plot. The show has spent seasons hinting at Jon

He may really be dead but it wouldn’t exactly keep the audience from getting as worked up or invested if he just said “maybe, maybe not”, you know?

Lies I tell you!

Meh, he's got to say that. If he said he might, the audience would t be as worked up.

Yes, but it's also been leaked that they renewed his contract for seasons 6 & 7. So here's hoping that ain't the last of Jon Snow!

I’m voting for him being reborn when they burn his body, because he’s got Tagaryen stuff going on. He can’t be dead!!

I really want Stannis to get his now. Everyone thinks Cersei is awful but she would do anything for her children, even Roose Bolton doesn't seem like he would burn his rotten little bastard alive.

Yes and no. I think the show seems invested in the legitimacy of the Targaryens as true rulers.

The show seems to be invested in the Targaryens being legit, even if they are also touched with a bit of crazy.

I don’t think there are any black people left in Austin, seriously. The Hispanic population is segregated by the highway 35 - which they all live east of -but their neighborhoods are all becoming gentrified by white dudes in lumberjack drag.

I'd be down for either, depending on the third. . .

Tejano culture is a beautiful, unique thing. I keep seeing these dumb ass comments about how Texas is racist against Mexicans. . .?!

Anti-Hispanic? This is a joke right?

Thank you. Most people's vision of Texas is totally divorced from reality. Texas is a minority-majority state & Houston, San Antonio & Austin are all pretty liberal cities (I'd say Austin in someways the least so).

I'm from Houston. I don't see (atleast any open) racism against Mexicans or those of mexican descent. I think there is probably in Austin, a city that is completely segregated.

Where did the op say they were violently against this? As a onetime art major, who is married to an artist, your comment makes me roll my eyes so hard.

Not sure what advice to give you in regards to making a threesome happen. But I wanted to share that making a baby can spice up your sex life! My husband & I have been together for going on 12 years & have a one year old. We’ve always had a pretty active sex life, but have naturally experienced the occasional lulls.

I drink a lot of Spanish wine - I love a good Rioja!