Secret Bananaphone

Did you watch The Punk Singer? It made my heart melt a little bit when Kathleen Hanna mentioned that it was a little awkward when they were falling in love, yet The Beastie boys also did “Hey Ladies” ... or was it, “Girls,” so she had to come to terms with that.

As an intelligent woman who has been a feminist since well before I knew what that meant, I appreciate that they developed a social conscience. However I am also old and my high school and college years were filled with the Beastie Boys. I love their early music, even with the misogyny. I just can’t help it. Well,

I didn’t know that was in his will. That’s really interesting.

And yeah, I’m familiar with that song, lol. Super catchy but super misogynistic. I had heard that they’ve distanced themselves from that attitude a lot, which is really freaking awesome.

They’ve actually distanced themselves from a lot of their old stuff because they realize now that it was misogynistic and not in keeping with their values as they’ve aged. You kind of have to at least respect an artist who is like yes I did this, yes it made me wildly successful and yes, it’s problematic but I was

Waits is totally litigious. He sued McDonalds for a commercial jingle (not one of his songs) sung by someone whose voice sounded like his. And he won. Millions.

Agreed. He's just getting hotter with age. Rawr.

That’s all I can think of. They knew the band wouldn’t license it to them so they weighed what the lawsuit might cost them and decided it was worth it. It seems a lot of companies do this, not with music specifically but unlicensed images, rights, etc. and they still use them. There has to be a benefit or they

Yeah yeah. It’s cool they won their case and all. But more importantly, I want to do FILTH with Adam Horovitz.

I assumed pansexual was someone that really loved deep dish pizza and have been using that to describe myself incorrectly for days now.

Does that mean nominally straight people who are open to being with trans people of the appropriate gender (aka, transmen for women, transwomen for men) but not of the gender they are not into, also need a new label for their sexuality? How far do we have to granulate people?

I’m starring your comment, because it’s terrific, but I think it’s important to note that there is a black experience that has nothing directly to do with slavery in the Americas. My best friend from medical school is Nigerian. He does not think to himself, “would my ancestors have been slaves two centuries ago in the

Interesting. Do you think that people with darker-than-caucasian skin tone from modern day Mali, Cuba, Eritrea, Columbia and Nigeria all feel that this “would have been a slave” shared property links them in some way that is deeper than anything else in their lives? Do you think that people of African descent but 3rd

Oh no, I may even have an inappropriately enthusiastic love of ginger.


Ole Ginger balls...

I think he can manspread by royal decree? Also, I’d watch those “royal balls” around Her Majesty’s corgis.

5’8 wet and wearing boots.

I am 5’5.5. Kit’s eyes are flush with mine although he is leaning slightly. I’d say 5’6 and not a half-inch taller. (P.S. He is a genuine and lovely fellow. Also, he smells really good.)

Let’s start a betting pool!