
I loved how scowly Melissa Benoist was with Katie McGrath this episode. It was so different from their usual dynamic. Obviously I hope they go back to being flirty at some point but they really did need have those conversations even if they were painful and over-dramatic. 

Glad I’m not the only one who saw it that way.

There’s apparently a Leviathan higher-up that we haven’t seen yet, and, to be honest, I wouldn’t mind if we never learn who she is.

I was half expecting Eve to smash Dasha in the face with a bowling ball.

Villanelle was bummed and upset that the promotion she was promised really isn’t one. That she still has to go on assignments instead of directing and planning them like she wants, because they only see and want her as a mindless assassin and nothing more, so she’s tired of them and her job. Between this and all that

Fucking Niko.

This episode moved the plot forward so fast and had so much information. It feels like 1/3 of that info could have been revealed earlier, in ep 3-5 for example. That being said, while it’s not a groundbreaking spy stuff, it’s also not jarring. All reveals made some sort of sense, I especially like the fact that it’s

This is as good an episode of SUPERGIRL that there has ever been, and it really belongs to the combined efforts of Cryer and Benoist (as director—what a great way to make her directorial debut on the show). Everything is spot on in a way a flashback episode should be, the one weakness, as you rightly point out

And here I was looking forward to discuss the ongoing awesomeness that is Mary Hamilton.

If Rhea Seehorn doesn’t get an Emmy for her incredible work this season, we riot.

I want Kim Wexler as my lawyer. I want to marry Kim Wexler. I want to worship at the Church of Kim. I will be devastated if she is harmed.

I didn’t come out with an ounce of sympathy for Joe Exotic. I don’t for a second think he was the “best” of them. He pumped two young guys who weren’t actually sexually attracted to him full of drugs to get them in his bed. He almost certainly blew up his “studio.” He conned and bankrupted his own mother and then

I thought I had lost most of my faith in humanity before, but the sheer number of people willfully watching a convicted animal abuser for laughs and entertainment, to the point where some people actually “like” him has really sent me over the edge of Humanity Is A Disease Cliff.

It blows me away that anyone can find Joe Exotic likable. Aside from all the Carol shit, he burned crocodiles alive, murdered at least five tigers and yanked newborn Cubs directly away from their mother to sell them without any regard for their well-being. Oh and got young straight dudes to marry him by getting them

I dont know. The whole “Carol murdered her husband” story line just reeked of manipulative film making to me. Every single person accusing her has a MASSIVE axe to grind yet none of their potential motivations are ever really discussed (other than very briefly by Carol). I mean, Joe’s own story changes from “she fed

References to Futureworld, GOT, Jurassic Park......clever by too much? Nah!

I was so worried about that! I get the feeling her time is limited too. Kim Wexler is probably my favourite character in a television show right now and I’m not ready to say goodbye yet.

Spoiler. . . .

One of the best scenes is when the incel shoots himself in the head.  I worried that entire scene about who he was going to shoot and then he shot himself.

This show started as a bit formulaic and grew increasingly unsettling, uncomfortable, at times - just downright scary, and, with all that, very funny. The previous episode really turned this show from great to wow. Also I greatly appreciate calling out incels more and more in mainstream media. It’s a huge problem, but

I can’t remember when I hated an ending of a show as much as this one. There’s been underwhelming or disappointing endings, for certain, tha is the nature of storytelling, but at least usually I can kind of understand what they were going for and often even respect the attempt. Here, though, this was baffling, bad and