
It didn’t end how I thought it might end, but it did end exactly where I wanted it to... with Darlene and Elliott alone. It was gutwrenching and wonderful.

I think Darlene isn’t there because she’s not dead in real life, but Eliot, his dad, Angela, her parents, Whiterose, and Tyrell all are.

Including the headline, I counted NINE Talking Heads puns in this post.

Paying it forward, maybe?

I agree. I believe in Lena. She will get there by season’s end, I’m certain of it. As was pointed out in another comment, deep down, Lena wants them to keep trying. In her mind, it’s the only way she can be sure that they truly love her. All she’s ever wanted is to be loved and respected. She never got that from her

My personal read on Lena in her scenes with Alex is that, in addition to wanting them all to know how hurt she is, on some level she also really, really wants them to keep trying.

The whole fuck dust is poignant for us older women or were raised by older women.

I liked Alex telling Kara that she loves Lena too & referencing Lena secretly experimenting on Samantha Arias who of course she is also is friend with. And Alex backing down, as Brainy wanted her to, when she realized that her plans while reasonable could result in Lena’s death, which she did not want either. All the

They almost made no attempts to hide Andrea Brooks’ very pregnant belly, it was kind of amazing. 

Mitch Pileggi just strolling through the tar pits wearing his wizard getup and nobody paying him any mind was hilarious. You’d think if nothing else everyone would be steering clear of him since people in strange outfits usually mean stuff’s about to explode in national city.

I keep going back and forth on whether I think this year’s mega-crossover is going to be a one-off adventure for the Supergirl crew or whether it will in some way fundamentally change the show’s world. On a meta level, that’s an appropriate question for an episode that’s all about the potential for change. As Malefic

I thought this was a really great episode. And given how much the show has struggled this year, it was nice to have the mid-season finale go off so well.

Aberforth” - twice four paragraphs from the bottom.
Feels a bit off to Harry Potter-ise the tragedy.

An honest mistake, I’m sure, but please correct.

I agree with this review on almost every level. The Lena/Kara stuff was stellar. The other bits of relationship drama were just kind of ‘meh.’

Apparently Supergirl is Sean Astin’s daughter’s favorite show and he was happy to be on & has seen every episode & impressed the cast by knowing so much about the show

Lena is a great character and I realize that she is currently focused on her (crazy) plan and revenge, but hopefully eventually she comes through this & is transformed by the power of Kara’s love, or whatever

I wouldn’t expect an American to know how to pronounce Hartlepool. Seems like he has a huge stick up his arse.

I don’t think they’re sweeping it away to turn her full villain. I think they’re just doing a deep character dive. I mean, almost from the moment she’s shown up, she’s been enigmatic. There’s often dual meaning to what she says and does. She can be pretty cutthroat and ruthless, even ostensibly for the good guys.

Leaving aside the snarky handwringing about an actor portraying an (admittedly rightly) unpopular person, I thought Anderson had been confirmed as playing Thatcher months ago? 

We are living her vision right now. Her name should be poison for eternity