
The FILM (not series AV Club) was excellent and Pugh was 18 I think. This story is about the way a young actress is taken and a studio tries to mould. The scoffing in the replies miss that so many actresses are told to lose weight. How often to male actors get asked to do that? Google Florence Pugh, The Falling. She

Really enjoyed this! Such a fun show in the often self-important and overly serious MCU. No world ending massive stakes, and the first real half hour comedy procedural that worked for me largely thanks to the fab Tatiana Maslany 

The U.K. Ghosts is one of my favourite comedies and I was highly dubious about the US remake but the first season found its own flavour with the US archetypes working almost as well. Both are enjoyable and I look forward to seeing the new season of US Ghosts. I think the British producers helped to develop it, hence

Channel 5 have aired back to back royal tributes. This was actually very sensible as young kids are not going to watch the funeral and all the processions for hours. Parents can stick them in front of Channel 5 while they watch! Sensible counter programming. Plus, the BBC have nabbed Paddington - first film on 7pm on

Joel Kinnerman as Ed is the most obnoxious macho ass but they will NEVER kill him off it seems! The Stevens boys are also unbearable… but instead they kill off two of the best female characters in Molly and Karen and sends Margo to Russia when the world will think her dead. This show has so much going for it but

I was a little disappointed by this episode after the thrills of the recent BCSs and while I appreciated the goal being to see that Jimmy/Saul is still inside mild mannered and boring Gene, it was a long caper without any of our other beloved characters. I hoped Kim or even Jesse turning up in the mall would have set

Totally agree. Roger Michelle’s film from 1995 is perfect. The cast are uniformly excellent, I was a big fan of the candle lit scenes. Sam West might have been a tad TOO oily as Mr Eliot though. I spent a while trying to find the song they used in the opera scene too.

Main lesson from this shitshow: US Jury finds for Depp, U.K. judge finds for Heard. This was why Depp brought this case, the interpretation of the law by a judge is meaningless when you can rely on people who liked Pirates of the Caribbean.

The Breaking Bad scene with Saul on his knees at gunpoint with Walt and Jesse had the names Nacho and Lalo as a bit of a throwaway but if we take it as canon, Saul is clearly terrified of Lalo. Seeing as he insisted he and Kim fled their apartment when he thought Lalo was a threat I’m now thinking he has somehow

I’m on episode 8 and it’s not really grabbing me. The characters are kind of boring to be honest and it doesn’t seem to have much to say apart from from the standard affair shenanigans. 

I enjoyed the whacky ride but struggled with that premise - all that trouble because Wanda wants her fake kids back? Not a strong motive and kind of annoying that it perpetuates the only motive for female characters written by men: that all a woman wants is babies or she will go crazy!

It is genuinely baffling to me that it appears you can’t watch violence or hear swearing, women are restricted with their reproductive rights in certain states yet you can buy a gun with your weekly shopping or an AK47 like most of us would buy a lightbulb. You are a strange country America… (and yes, I know it’s not

Why remix a classic! I’m old enough to remember the original, and buy the 7” vinyl single. A couple of years I put it on and was struck how great is still sounded. This version? Hmm, no. I prefer the faster tempo original.. by a mile!

I’m a Brit and was highly sceptical about a US version of Ghosts, but I am enjoying it a lot. It took the best of the British show - the variety of great characters and that silly and funny premise and gave it a US twist, with the ghosts being American archetypes just like the U.K. ones. The style of humour is

While we’re on appearances, Noah Emmerich does NOT suit the stubble and looks like a homeless guy who found a smart suit.

WTF are BAFTA thinking going so big on the fun but ridiculous Don’t Look Up? DiCaprio seems to get nominated by default these days.

The actresses are still fantastic, but the plotting and dialogue has struggled to match the Waller-Bridge penned first season. However, still plenty of great moments in the second and third seasons and I’m really excited to see this final season.

This was a rich kid - talked about his parents ‘second home ‘ who was sent to a posh school in England and clearly an intellectual snob! Those comments about Fisher and Gadot were incredibly patronising. ‘Oh they don’t understand the way I speak.’ Yes, I was a fan of Buffy and the dialogue but I’m not sure if I can

I have never watched a Karate Kid movie in my life and had little interest. This show but after recommendations, I binged the first 2 seasons a year or so back and loved the fun, slightly campy tone. However I do think the endless revenge plots and kids acting like utter assholes is wearing a bit thin. Miguel seems to

Very shocking when people die suddenly at a young age. He’s been massive for older actresses killing it on tv with Big Little Lies and Sharp Objects. Whether natural or self inflicted, a sad loss.