
I like this take as for me it made little sense. In a terrific cast Max Mingella is a huge weak spot for me. He doesn’t convince as a powerful baddie and not sure what June sees in him apart from convenience! His wooden acting stands out.

I’m relatively new to Drag Race - only really got into it last year with the U.K. version but as I understand it, the correct pronoun for them in their drag persona is ‘she’.

LOL. I loved her on Glee and saw her live, but it’s been a while since she did anything (apart from have a baby.) Her lack of work says a lot about her or people’s perception of her.

This was a one hour story stretched to 4 and spent far too long on the internet sleuths and conspiracy theorists. Quite honestly those people who claimed to ‘know’ she was murdered or that the hotel was haunted or that some musician killed her are a few keystrokes away from the people storming the Capitol the other

I enjoyed it, even if it was ridiculous! Yes, lots of non-US people on show here, with only Hugh Grant playing his own accent. Nicole Kidman’s barely concealed Aussie twang is always there. Director Susanne Bier brought in fellow Dane the brilliant Sofie Gråbøl while stage adult Hermione Granger from HP and the Cursed

Just watched this film and very much enjoyed it but totally ag ree, they really do not establish them as a couple and get us to invest in them beyond ‘its Kristen Stewart and MackDavjs for gods sake!’

In the context of The Crown (no idea if it is like this in reality) Elizabeth and Margret were not daughters of the king for much of their childhood. They were daughters of the second son and probably not as much beholden to the protocols of the actual monarch and their children. Elizabeth was Queen at 25 while also

Love it! And good accents too.

Agree, which is what worried me. I do NOT want to feel empathy towards Thatcher!

The Queen mother famously ended her letters with ‘Tinkety took old fruit and down with the Nazis’ which beats ‘kind regards’ any day :) :)


Knew nothing about this before watching this week and absolutely loved it. In many ways, a safe period drama - not terribly diverse and slightly unrealistic in Beth’s meteoric rise with barely a barrier. However, I liked the series avoided melodramatic cliche. The orphanage is NOT run by monstrous perverts, she is. OT

Deb from Dexter was one of the best characters on tv at one point - a real way with words rivalling Al Swearengen! Maybe it was the real life relationship that messed with the chemistry of the siblings. Maybe it was the problem too many show runners have with making female characters more than nags or sex objects.

This should have been a 3 or 4 part series. Stretching it out to another series? Think we are being conned like the mugs drawn in by the NVIXM gang. 

I’m just starting episode 3 and the accents Are highly distracting to me as a Brit. US viewers, do they stand out to you or sound ok? The children are unbelievably posh (stage school diction there kids!) the staff are ok, but Henry Thomas and Carla Gugino... erm... Oliver Jackson-Cohen appears to be channeling Sean

I love GLOW and if 2020 couldn’t get any shittier, Netflix does this! As Betty Gilpin put it, this has been a fecal hurricane of a year. GLOW being axed is another body blow. Is there anything to look forward to anymore?

Terrible news! I love GLOW. Why not just delay, like everything else. Sad.

I love Karl Urban. I love John Noble. But their ‘English’ accents are fucking awful! Mrs Patmore should have put the two antipodean actors right.

Small town, teenage boys, love rivals... this is sounding pretty soapy! Hope Clark will get to be ‘super’

Anthony Starr and Karl Urban share Xena Warrior Princess as one of the early roles as young actors in NZ. Urban played 3 roles including Cupid and Julius Caesar, Starr only appeared the once as giant killer David.