
But has it been established that brain takeover is permanent? It could be reversible, putting her ‘evil score’ down to maybe a 5 or 6?

They have already said this season is going to be ‘the fight for Lena’s soul.’ She is not Evil just yet, but is being extremely shady. I’m anticipating it might continue to be dark for a while, but hope Kara’s love- whatever form that takes - will bring her back from the brink.

They have put in a couple of mentions to try to explain the definite lilt in Katie McGrath’s accent. Unless I’m remembering wrongly, they maintained her birth mother was Irish (could have been a fanfic I read though!)

Thanks for the revisit. I also watched the first 2 then drifted away, but had heard it got more intriguing so binged the rest of the season this week. From a seemingly lightweight bit of fluff, all 3 timelines drew me in. The cast were uniformly excellent- Ginnifer Godwin’s tragic tale that just made me want to shoot

Just like I am often puzzled by how to say Arkansas. Not sure Hartlepool is the hardest but most struggle with Edinburgh

I’m amazed how well they dealt with the Kara/Lena stuff. Lena being pissed and enjoying her VR chance to smash Kara in the face was understandable but that confession scene was just so well acted by Benoist, seeing those tears well and her reasons coming out as believable. I’m glad I’m not the only one who is

Viola Davis is just so good and the main reason I’ve kept watching. Most of the young cast just don’t grab me as characters I care about. Annalise, Bonnie and... Annalise’s mother and sometime gf are the only ones I really want to see each week 

Apparently she has had back problems in the past so maybe that issue as well as the stunts. You would think they will be very careful with her on the show. As Batwoman is mostly hidden behind the mask and wig they can probably double her easier than, say, Supergirl

Thank goodness for the divine Katherine Hahn, thankfully back again, if too briefly. Her quiet but affecting performance with this insufferable bunch of narcissists is great. I like the ambition but for me, the magic of the show - subject matter, the way Soloway supposedly set up the set to be nurturing and equal was

Totally. Beignets are not a thing here in the U.K. at all. I have only heard of them from US tv shows, they aren’t common for baking Brits. However, choux is not that unusual so they should know.

Dame Harriet Walter was fantastic, but like everyone on this precious, precious show, is a pretty awful person! Kendall is so messed up, and clearly wanting to connect with his mother, but Caroline isn’t up for the difficult stuff. Not your perfect mother. As Jesse Armstrong is a Brit I appreciated the authenticity of

Thatcher was even more divisive than Trump in that his ineptitude seems absurdly funny compared to her cold, cruel and uncaring politics. Some hard core Tories probably still love and revere her but I know in my family and the school I worked at, we pretty much broke out the champagne when she was pushed out.

More Ann Dowd! Woo hoo! 

I quite enjoyed this. The three stories were all fun in different ways. The awful Sam Jaeger character made me want to punch him but glad Ginnifer Goodwin didn’t just smile like a Stepford wife all episode! I guess the time frame makes Goodwin and fun neighbour Alicia Coppola put the blame on the waitress rather than

I’m a big Anna Torv fan from her Fringe days. As with that show and Olivia Dunham, Wendy Carr is kind of tense and buttoned up, so I was glad we got to know her a bit more with the relationship with the bartender. Seeing her getting out in the field and interviewing the subjects made for a different dynamic than Ford

For a procedural crime show, having Miller and Liu as the leads was such a blessing and what lifted the show above so many procedurals. Remember all the fuss when it was announced and the cries of ‘how could Watson be a woman, Conan Doyle must be spinning in his grave!’ This pairing were terrific throughout. I was a

I didn’t think the escape with the children was a plausible plan - did no one in the Gilead police notice an airport a few miles from town and a plane scheduled? The search seemed very ineffective. Still, it made for quite a thrilling climax with June being that old staple, someone to be a distraction. The moment the

Shout out to Debbie’s fictional obit that was funny. As was Ruth’s -  ‘soap actress and unidentified woman found dead in desert’

Did you see the story on EW that the stories were the actresses actual family backstories that the writers used. They even put in names of their relatives caught up in the historic horrors 

Interesting comparison. June has killed or allowed someone to die for 2 episodes in a row and while I don’t mourn the monstrous Chris Meloni character (forgot his name!) Eleanor was a very sad loss. A woman badly in need of medication but a kindly person that June pretty callously let die. Was she really a risk to