
YES on the Drop Dead Gorgeous similarity. I love that film, a real cult classic. I’m also 3 eps in and skinny Patty is pretty awful in everything she does! I’m still quite amused at the awfulness of all the characters (apart from the obviously gay bff) and am going to keep watching 

Think this is the one Ed Westwick was in wasn’t it?

As I understand it, Kate Kane/Batwoman’s girlfriend is Maggie Swayer - Alex Danvers’ ex! Many are hoping Floriana Lima might be back as Batwoman’s girlfriend!

Melissa Benoist is pretty much the number 1 reason to watch Supergirl. However, as the DCEU had gone a lot darker (the grimmest Superman!!) Benoist’s mix of joyful sunshine and girl of steel might not be their angle. On the other hand, the miserable tone had been a big factor in many of the criticism of the DCEU

So another female lead bites the dust. (Connie Britton - Nashville, Mary McDonnell - Major Crimes, Kim Dickens - Fear the Walking Dead, Paula Malcolmson - Ray Donovan, Nicole Beherie - Sleepy Hollow) And largely women of a certain age but also all very fine actresses. I’ll admit right here, I don’t watch The Affair

I’d agreee the new characters didn’t really pop. We got flashbacks for them all which did little to make me more invested. So Badison is awful? Duerte has always been a user of pretty girls? Barb and Carol killed their own sister. Not really the fascinating backstories we got on other more beloved characters.

Just finished it and I enjoyed it a lot. Yes, they are awful ( kind of the point!) but I wanted to see Rachel and Quinn and all their crazy and we got that in spades! The first season was brilliant and brutal but also such a surprise, they were never going to top that. I still liked season 3 with Caitlin Fitzgerald a

Totally agree, the last season of HCF was one of the best final seasons ever. Just beautifully constructed, fantastic performances and really great all round. However, much too far under the radar for awards.

I love Piper and Alex but acknowledge they are pretty shitty people! I’m a bit worried where Alex is ....

I saw this and quite enjoyed it. Perfectly fine - but really? A billion dollar movie?? Just goes to show the power of a franchise that an unremarkable film like this gets to make so much cash. People are dumb!

This episode was utter genius joy! After the angst and drama of the Ruth and Debbie fight, this insane comedy episode was perfect. So many highlights. Sheila and the goat. Kidnapping is wrong and finally getting Kate Nash to sing on the show, Vicki the Viking back, Beirut’s very nice dancing, the ‘safe’, even the

These last 2 episodes were fantastic! I am so invested in Ruth and Debbie’s relationship and all its fuck ups. Betty Gilpin has always been a terrific actress but this season Debbie has been spiraling badly and surprise surprise, Ruth gets the brunt of it. The huge blow up row has been a long time coming and revealed

The Commuter was utter rubbish! Totally ridiculous premise and derivative doesn’t begin to describe it. Not even fun just bad, bad, bad.

Cathryn is hilarious. I always found Brendan a bit creepy though...

Yvonne Strahovski is so good, I had found myself hoping for a redemption for Serena recently. Not any more! Serena was back to full bitch mode, and I want to see that war crimes trial for her and Fred.

Thanks for the reviews. You summed up a lot of my views too. I have always been a fan and the failures in storytelling in this latter half of the season have been disappointing- especially as there were a lot of strengths in the early part. Odette Annable has been a huge plus, Lena being given more to do - and I’m not

Imagine this whole storyline with Laura Benanti as Alura. I do think it would have worked better, even though I like Durance a lot as an actor. She just doesn’t have the emotional chemistry. We KNOW intellectually she is the same character, but I just didn’t feel it.

Agree very much. Sam/Reign was going great - terrific actress, nice mystery about who she was. The Argo story, Alura was a huge damp squib to something that should have been huge. I’m no Mon El fan but his departure at the end of S2 and Kara dealing were undone by bringing him back, making him married and then this

It’s interesting that we have had a full season of Sam and we have no idea about her sexual orientation. Apart from getting pregnant as a teen, there have been no boyfriend/girlfriend or even any flirting with anyone. That is pretty refreshing - that she is all about her family/friends, not her sex appeal!

So true! Shame as Jordana Brewster is super sexy and Jimmi Simpson and Jill Ritchie as the comic relief are great. No coincidence Sara Foster kind of disappeared...