
I think I was as smitten as Cosima as I always believed in Delphine! Everything she did after meeting and getting to know Cosima was for her and the sestras. The reveal of her being alive was a truly great tv moment for me - and a secret they kept pretty well.

So much of Blue is the Warmest Colour was brilliant but the extended and male gaze fake sex scenes were actually one of the weaker parts.

It’s an adaptation of Fingersmith by Sarah Waters and adapted by the BBC with Sally Hawkins but I thought it was great too.

Well, this week’s episode was an improvement on last week’s crappy mess. However the entire Argo subplot has been awful - although now Erica Durance’s Alura is on Earth, maybe things will pick up. Kind of liked her as Kara talking through the hologram.

Yes, a lot of plot but I thought this was definitely an A episode. What was going through June’s mind at the end? Was she smiling at the wedge between Serena and Fred? Going to him to apologise is probably siding with the person in the household with the power and Fred beating Serena certainly puts Serena and June on

I agree. Durance had bags of charisma on Smallville, here the scenes with her daughter are so damn DISTANT! Last week on hearing her twin sister was dead she did not bat an eyelash. If I discovered my mother was still alive I think me AND her would be damn ecstatic not all ‘oh, would you like some tea?’

I’ve enjoyed a lot about S3 but yes, this was a poor episode. The whole Argo city storyline is bad, the heavy handed gun control storyline was terrible and illogical for a law enforcement agency. Reign has been the best villain they have had and she was defeated in the first 3 mins! Ok so we might get more after that

The Character Rehab that includes, yes A WIFE - HE IS MARRIED KARA! After seemingly being ok, not pining after him and accepting of their real as friends, it takes her 5 seconds to apparently decide to take him back. I do not like that out paragon of virtue, Kara has zero qualms about this. Still, after her pretty

As the first season mainly focussed on June and Moira’s story related to her relationship to June, I don’t think giving her a backstory is a bad thing. However I’d agree it was all a bit sudden - a surrogate pregnancy and girlfriend/fiancée all introduced and tied up in one episode. (I didn’t hear Odette’s name in

Will we get more Busy Philips in the second half? I hope so, she is hilarious and the relationship with Lillian is a lot of fun.

I agree that the huge reveal of Kara’s mom being alive was kind of underplayed. Kara has gone on about being alone and her lack of family several times yet doesn’t even hug her mother. Similarly, Alura doesn’t bat an eyelid at hearing her twin sister is dead (guess Kara isn’t going to tell her Alex did it!)

The only slightly too grim note was Anna killing herself. After confirming that they were indeed involved sexually (when Villanelle old??) her fate was pretty sad - and not jut because Susan Lynch is one of my favourite actors.

The stabbing was clearly payback for Villanelle’s killing of Eve’s good friend Bill who she stabbed in the Berlin nightclub. It surprised me but I think I might have been more surprised if they actually kissed! Eve is obsessed but is she sexually obsessed? Not sure..

That complexity is what makes Serena a fascinating character. So the handmaid program sounds like her idea. In her speech she refers to the huge fall in birth rate and the Nazi accusations imply she wants to ‘save the world’ by controlling fertile women. Her feelings about how Gilead turned out are hard to read. I

Agreed. My favourite role of hers is probably Dr Lillian DePaul on Masters of Sex. However she is reliably great in so many slightly below the radar roles. Plus love those freckles!

Yes, she even revisits Lillian Luthor’s words about Lena hating her when she learns the truth. I do kind of like the conflict they have inserts having avoided the Lena/Kara scenes for ages to cool off the Supercorp shippers. Katie McGrath made the comment that she liked Lena not knowing because it meant Kara could be

The coat was clearly Villanelle’s escape pack. It would allow her to disappear with cash and a new passport but obviously Anna didn’t know that package was hidden in there,

Susan Lynch who played Anna is another of our great British actors and also notable for a fine head of hair - something Villanelle clearly has a thing for. So she was her teacher and her first object of obsession. I think you can see Anna had some affection for Villanelle despite what she did to Anna’s husband.

I spend a lot of time with this show trying to work out whether Elizabeth is a total psychopath or not. Did she feel any compassion for the sick artist lady? (Younger’s Miriam Shor brilliant and unrecognisable) I actually loved the artwork created as her style. Did she make an impact on Elizabeth? I wanted her to keep

After last weeks amazing episode I was a little less enthusiastic about this one, but still a solid B for me. The link between Carolyn and the Russians is mysterious but not sure what her game is.