cat bus

He flipped way before McCain died... it was really an abysmally short time after the election. There probably is dirt, but I’d say it’s a more mundane attempt to align himself with the demographics back home. Trouble is this: Democrats like myself used to at least respect Graham as a moderate, even if we didn’t agree

The fact that Mr. Graham is a good ol’ southern Christian man that has never been married tells me that he’s absolutely into men and tries so desperately to not be. But any fully functioning adult has needs and he’s getting those needs satisfied somewhere. The question is where and with who? I bet Trump and some

He's abusive as fuck to her, I'm sure.

I do not know if there is a pattern but my father was abusive and the demeanor of Kavanaugh just reminds me so much of when my father got angry when we questioned his treatment of my mom or us. 

This is a full on narcissistic meltdown.

I feel like this needs to be mentioned in this conversation. His apparent gayness is not something to be ashamed of or that should be used to shame him. He may be ashamed, but should not be.

Compelling evidence that he’s definitely not a belligerent drunk amirite?

You have to remember that the NYTimes - back when they were credible - reported in December 2016 that it wasn’t just the DNC whose data was hacked; it was also the RNC, but it was never reported what was found or ever released,

Right? No Dems really wanted Gorsuch but no one came forward to claim he was a sleaze. Almost like it's possible not to be.

I don’t own any property aside from pets and very terrible clothing but I’ll raise you tween-age boys.

Look there was a guy who just went through this same nomination process nominated by the same president who somehow didn’t have accusers come after him. Weird how that happened. It’s almost like this guy did something wrong...

Male escorts. Paid by the taxpayer. I would bet my house.

There needs to be one message with regards to Lindsey, “What does Trump have on you?” Just over and over and over until he goes insane. 

If he actually believed what he is saying, then why did he get Bill Clinton’s accusers along for one of the debates? Why did he invite them to use the seating reserved for his family? Why did he want them to confront Bill Clinton at the debate?

Donald Trump had money coming out of his eyes, out of his.......whatever

At least we have the live feed from the non-Darkest-Timeline:

Boy, I can’t wait to read the article in Forbes about all the money you can make lying about sexual assault.

David Corn had some good live tweeting of whatever that was that just happened:

“They want money. They want whatever” Well, if “Whatever”= Justice, then...yeah.

That was a bold choice on his part, to just imitate Kris Kristofferson.