Seriously; should I die before that motherfucker’s in jail, I want an entire hour of dragging his ass or I’m haunting everybody forever.
Seriously; should I die before that motherfucker’s in jail, I want an entire hour of dragging his ass or I’m haunting everybody forever.
Dragging Donald trump is perhaps the most appropriate way to honor her legacy
“Your life is going down the toilet!”. God, this movie. I know every line by heart, I swear.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the world:
Hickeys are no big deal. The quibble is with the skirt. Places where it’s a bad idea to wear a short skirt:
Your move, Whataburger.
Corporations are not your friends. If there’s anything we need to be clear on now that everyone is charmed by whatever these companies’ social media teams write on twitter, it’s that corporations are not your friends.
Yes, the way she seemed to be rushing from house to house, not giving anyone time to answer before moving on made me think this was someone being pursued by a serial killer. She’s fine, he’s dead, sounds so much better that what I thought we’d hear next.
“This story is stranger, and sadder, than it initially appears.”
Yes and then she qualified those rejections with I wanted him to take it slow, let’s chill, rub my back, play with my hair. If the night went the way she’d imagined it, she would have been fine. If it was up to him to understand that there would never be sex on the table that night, it was up to her to understand that…
She should have left earlier, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t cross the line.
He did cross a line. He crossed a line into “being a dick” and “pestering her for sex”. That means he acted like a douchebag, that does NOT mean he committed sexual assault. He was sleazy for sure, but saying this is the same as people who literally force themselves on people is insane.
It’s extra stupid to show Trump in his school uniform when it just highlights how he lied about his health to avoid actual military service. Although I assume the point is to pretend he served rather then just went to high school.
Obama looks chill as fuck.
Lol of course Beto was the bassist. That means he'll be a good politician who just wants everyone to get along and will stop fights and provide a strong foundation for everybody to be at their best.
Lol I’m sorry but if this was assault then apparently I’ve been assaulted by like at least a dozen men in my life and never even knew. Funny that considering I’m a CSA survivor - you’d think I’d know abuse when I saw it, huh? He’s a dork that wanted to act smooth and blew it by being too forward, and then didn’t know…
She gave some clues... but as a really stupid man who’s bad at taking clues, she was vague and lead him to believe sex was a possibility.
I’m just going to steal Ashley Feinberg’s tweet on this one: