cat bus

Neither song attached to the story are Neil Young’s.  Is it Megan’s ignorance?  Is she jerking us around?  Who knows?  I don’t. Will we ever know for sure?  I fear not.

A yacht of gold.

this. let the market decide.

Congratulations Neil and Darryl! PS Neil had nothing to do with either one of those songs.

Neil left his wife of like a billion years for Darryl, so I find their story a little less charming. Though he is still one of the best sad-person musicians ever.

Why not let people be the judge of what they watch? For you, CK is out for good but why would you get to decide that for everyone?

Leave it up to the audiences. Because there’s no central authority deciding who gets to be a comedian and who doesn’t, he’s free to perform at comedy clubs that will let him and audiences are free to go to his shows or not. If your view -that he doesn’t deserve to be a famous comedian anymore - prevails, people won’t

Im still not quite sure what Jezebel wants from Louis CK. I mean he got caught, called out, admitted it, apologised (how much is up for debate) and had his career derailed due to the furor...

While an apology doesn’t need to be accepted or lauded or anything, you’ve conveniently misrepresented CK’s apology as “less than satisfactory” when people on this very site, the NYT, etc, were getting up votes for saying his apology was actually sincere. Repeat, doesn’t dictate that his apology need be accepted by

My first thought was Mr. V.P. (Mister cause I am super respectful) if we lived in more respectful times: 

What they don’t say is that we lose Jobs and over 800 Billion Dollars a year on really dumb Trade Deals

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh would have already been confirmed if we “lived in a more respectful time,” 

Hey, Pence.

“Ted Cruz is too liberal” is a real sentiment that real human beings have and this realization is soul-crushing.

Y’all, I have, like, a teenage girl crush on Beto O’Rourke. We hugged once (well, side hug, like a Duggar) and I swear I got butterflies. He’s very, very handsome.

Fuck yeah! Go, Beto, go!

I started reading the Harry Potter books to my kids for bedtime stories 2.5 years ago and we just finished a week ago. Each book in the series is somehow—impossibly—twice as long as the last, but my daughters loved them and they grew on me too, so now I’m sure I’ll end up spending way too much money to take them to

You actually know nothing about what her team has leaked or hasn’t so maybe you should stop shitting on a mother with 3 young kids whose ex husband is a severe alcoholic & is going through all of this publicly, unavoidably. Everything you believe has ‘leaked’ in the press is just the basic narrative about Jennifer

I mean, maybe. It was also super obvious that she took him to rehab and maybe felt the need to have a source explain the situation. Who knows, maybe she’s leaking to the press to give him the kick in the ass she needs. Either way I admire her for putting up with his shit for so long and still helping him. And the

No, I’m talking about accounts from people who know her and have worked with her. She probably does control her press to some extent, every single celebrity does.