cat bus

Having read the book what pisses me off most is the pacing of the series. The first 7 episodes uncoil slowly, there’s even a whole episode about what happened in rehab, which is a mere paragraph in the book. Then the finale crams the ending into 5 seconds?!?! I really appreciated the book delving into the dynamic of

I am SHOCKED to learn that international relations and diplomacy are hard things and that the leaders of other countries may actually act in their own best interest and not those of the United States! The horror!!!

I’m a little disappointed the Weisselberg news only ended up in Dirt Bag. I’ve been waiting for an article on it all day, but...well, better Dirt Bag than nothing.

“I have asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo not to go to North Korea, at this time, because I feel we are not making sufficient progress with respect to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.” Wow, word?

I will admit 90% of the reason I agreed to do this was to show off the Phantom Thread poster in my bathroom. (I am very proud of the placement.)

Antiperspirant has always just made me sweat even more, plus it just ruins your clothes. I gave up on it a long time ago and I’ve never looked back.

I have a feeling it will hurt the 1% more than it will hurt people who are ALREADY FUCKING HURTING from being underpaid, underemployed, unemployed, or barely insured. Blackmailing motherfucker.

Trump tweeted WITCH HUNT at 1:30 am.

he thinks he is doing a good and telling us all of us will be poor if he is impeached??? honestly, i would like to test that theory

That makes total sense. I forget where I heard this, but rumor has it she’s actually a total business badass, super savvy organizer. Everything I’ve hear about her, and their marriage, and how well her PR is managed only confirms this for me. And having a say over the father of your children’s medical situation is

When the story broke that Jennifer was dragging her feet on the divorce, my first instinct was that it has nothing to do with reconciling or punishing him. It is about having the legal right to help with rehab and medical stuff.

Jen is a god damn saint because I would have left him hanging long ago. 

We lose Bourdain and get stuck with her.

I am about the same age as Argento. There are zero reasons for someone her age to be alone in a hotel room with a 17 year old, unless it’s a family member. Whatever story she’s trying to sell, she should just stop. 

Everything this dipshit says and does is like nails on the chalkboard of my soul; but his falsetto “Business Anecdote Baby Voice” makes me want to punch through all the drywall the most.

I’d like to thank Stormy Daniels for getting us to where we are at right now. Without her, there wouldn’t have been the case that led to today’s Cohen plea. A pornstar. Who would’ve thought...

I’m clinically allergic to satanic-panic bullshit and dismissed (and still dismiss) any and all hyper-analysis of people who are into the occult. This definitely does NOT help the cause. I mean this is literally perfect for the Alex Jones-ian nutjobs who claimed Bourdain was about to uncover a satanic pedophile cult

Yeah, she played his mom. And, according to the NYT, they continued to have a mother/son type relationship over the next decade.

It was based on the JT Leroy book of the same name. A book which turned out to have been entirely made up with JT Leroy actually being a 30 (or 40?) something year old woman, and the in person JT being played by a 20 something year old woman, rather than a teen age transsexual(?) boy as claimed. I believe in the story

Is this the same Jimmy Bennett who played a character that got raped by Jeremy Renner in Argento’s film The Heart is Deceitful above All things? When he was like seven years old?