“Now we can buy some more jet fighters!”
“Now we can buy some more jet fighters!”
There is nothing that I would want more for our Country than true FREEDOM OF THE PRESS. The fact is that the Press is FREE to write and say anything it wants, but much of what it says is FAKE NEWS, pushing a political agenda or just plain trying to hurt people. HONESTY WINS!
That is what I am saying. He is drinking water, minding his business and out here glowing!
Look at Michael J. Fox. You drink water, you mind your goddamned business, and you too can not look like a Kraft Single.
I don’t understand, has Johnny Depp just discovered this turd? They got divorced two years ago, has he just not been in that particular bedroom for over two years?
I gotta say, the dog turd on his pillow is a pretty baller move.
They really should refer to him as Sir Michael J. Fox because he’s considered Canadian royalty.
Marble moths can sound cute sometimes.
Maybe it’s because I’m the mom of a teenager (Duckling turns 18 at the end of this month), but if she wanted to date somebody older than ME, we would all have words. Short ones. Mostly with four letters.
Well that’s not so bad...
I’d have far less to say if one party involved wasn’t barely 18 when the relationship began. But yes, they seem happy.
I just want to know what a 19-year-old woman and a 46-year-old man talk about.
My mother was an Orthopedic Nurse for 40 years. These are the people that take care of you when your body is spindled and mutilated. She saw a lot of stuff.
One of her biggest points of anger are people who say Marriage is “just a piece of paper”. Sure, but all your legal rights are written on pieces of paper. They…
And that’s not even what he said, he said “I don’t like Michael Jackson but this is a good song” so he might not have even been referring to his catalog of music but his questionable antics. It’s wild.
This seems silly as hell. We have no idea what the context was and holy shit with the revelations and steps forward that we’ve taken in regards to sexual abuse/grooming, we are really gonna do this? Drag Sam Smith for saying “I don’t like Michael Jackson but this is a good song”???
All this because he offhandedly said he didn’t like someone else’s music? Okay.