cat bus

Yes! Savannah must be the most patient person in the world. And then, Omarosa is all, “Don’t ask me another question until I’ve answered your previous one. I’ve got all the time to answer your questions.” Then later, “You know I have another interview after this and don’t have time to answer that.”  God, I wanted to

I have loved her show, and watching this clip just reminded me of how awesome she really is as a person, woman, author, everything.

It’s the equivalent of making a kid who defiantly peed in his own bed sleep in it. And you know - he might not be wrong.

What he’s telling us is that if he didn’t think Hilary was going to win, then the case wouldn’t have been reopened, which indicates that pursuing justice wasn’t his motivation.

Comey continues to say he had no choice but to reopen the e-mail investigation. Maybe when his second book comes out in a few years he will actually explain the decision.

Comey’s response to why he reopened the email investigation is woefully inadequate. What he’s telling us is that if he didn’t think Hilary was going to win, then the case wouldn’t have been reopened, which indicates that pursuing justice wasn’t his motivation.

While Comey said he “hoped” the letter “had no impact,” he expressed no regrets for it.

Henry Winkler is a sweetheart.

John Mulaney describing the Trump’s charade of a presidency as “ This Is A Horse Loose In A Hospital” is one of the best metaphors I’ve heard.

You left off the best of Michael action (RIP, Tony)

When all this is over I hope Sarah Huckster Sanders is unemployable forever.

Truly, is there anything more American than two mediocre white people failing up?

That last picture of Sanders and Bolton...I can’t.

Read about this over on Wonkette, and holy schamoly. More and more of that ding dang unreliable dossier keeps turning out to be true. I saw this interesting little tweet in the comment section as well:

What I wonder is why we never see any crude swearwords in the tweets, or in his ramblings before a live mike. You can’t get me to believe he doesn’t use them. But in all this apparent twitter diarrhea of the last 15 months... Makes me think they are less extemporaneous than we are led to believe.

In that article about McCabe, it mentions that Jeff Sessions accused McCabe of a lack of candor while under oath. That seems ultimately hypocritical considering his “Aww shucks, I don’t think I can recall. I’m just a lukewarm mint julep poured into a possum suit” shtick during his time in the hot seat.

NY Times, ABC News, others now confirming the Feds seized recorded materials from the Cohen raids. “Lordy, I hope there are tapes” indeed.

Isn’t it funny how a white supremacists’ president, is constantly proving himself inferior to a black one? Especially, after claiming intellectual superiority to everyone.