
This is not mental illness, he is a man willing to control his family, when he couldn’t, he killed them.

To those that fairly call it a false or misleading comparison, I am one of the 23 million who will be kicked off medical insurance because of that fuckshit. My reaction may be over the top, and I don’t care. I cannot respect Ryan. Dolt45 wants people to take loyalty oaths to him, calls for limiting the free press, and

One thing is having suicidal thoughts and another thing is having a killing frenzy and then hope being killed because you do not want take responsibility of what you did.

I was really turned off by the governor’s statement in response to the incident, which really only addressed the killing of the officer and not the 7 other innocent people who died:

A lot of these shootings have a jealousy or desire to see someone else hurt element. When these people say they “just wanted to end it all” or some such what they mean is “I wanted to hurt others and make them suffer while not facing the consequences”.

There is a reason that in The Emperor’s New Clothes it is a kid that points out that the Emperor is naked. Children are very good at seeing past all the superficial bullshit that adults think is important. They can see that under the fancy suit and ten tons of self-importance, Paul Ryan is just a spineless little

Too bad domestic violence doesn’t get politicians headlines the way that !!ISLAMIC EXTREMISM!! does. Nevermind that three women are killed a day by husbands or intimate partners.

Men sure are emotional and irrational lately. I think we need to stop letting them make statements, run things, and read the news until we can get a handle on what’s happening.

With the stories about the Manchester bombing and people like Sean hannity, I think for my own sanity, I might go on a media blackout.

Jesus, the pile-on here is unbelievable. Purplegirll is not saying anything unreasonable. In fact, Elizabeth Warren said the same recently on Jimmy Fallon. Are you going to say she’s concern trolling? It makes sense to focus on the truly important things rather than yelling “Squirrel!” at everything, as she notes

Maybe you should give up your iPhone. Poor people and sick people are obviously bad or they wouldn’t be poor or sick. /s

She sounds like a badass. RIP Roxcy (also a badass name). Thank you for your hard won fights.

The actual answer is “wherever you’re employed now,” since many, and I believe MOST, adults of working age receiving food assistance are employed. The problem, of course, is that wages are too low. Gee, seems like we could save the government a lot of money if businesses were required to pay employees a WAGE they

They need people to go to work!? Motherfucker, I work about 38 hours a week (corporate overlords won’t allow us to even get close to overtime) for $10.25 an hour. I am on my state’s poor folks insurance (ACCHS). How much more can I be fucking doing? I am mentally ill and a recovering addict. I absolutely need my

He said it like people who work never need food stamps. Idiot.

Even if you can hold one of those jobs, you will probably need Medicaid and possibly need food assistance. None of those places pays a living wage.

Wasn’t Walmart teaching their employees how to apply for things like foodstamps because they were paid so little?

I actually think she’s pretty bland too. Good for them

While that was a surprise, he stated specifically in his concurrence why he joined Kagan and the other liberals; he believed it a matter of not disturbing the factual findings of the lower courts and applying the correct burden-shifting principles, which was consistent with his dissent in a previous case that

Hey, North Carolina GOP: if Clarence Thomas thinks you are racist motherfuckers, you are definitely, indubitably, 100 percent racist motherfuckers.