
“America has a chronic aversion to taking women seriously and, more specifically, to believing the testimonials of sexual assault survivors.”

If it was their daughter or sister who died at that concert, would they still have their heads so far up their own asses? Doubt it.

“It’s all true. That he was so good so young that he started playing coach-pitch baseball at age four against seven-year-olds”

Abso-fuckin-lutely! I’m so ashamed to be a resident of NC when our representatives are racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic assholes. It’s time to turn this shit around! At least we got that Republican shitstain governor Pat McCory out for a slightly better Democrat, Roy Cooper. But he “compromised” on the stupid

I hope this steady stream of lawsuits continues on and on. It’s been a long time coming for Fox spews. Let’s burn the mo’fucker to the ground!

I’m not saying that the Nigerian government has turned a blind eye, or that they haven’t done a lot on their own. But many communities in Nigeria don’t want former captives to be reintegrated for fear that they will be dangerous, radicalize others, etc. There are also popular culture superstitions regarding witchcraft

Yeah, it’s really messed up that they aren’t welcome in many communities for fear that they’ve been completely brainwashed to carry Boko Haram ideologies, that they may radicalize others or commit violence in these communities. The U.N. has been doing their part to appeal to the Nigerian government to allow these

My heart goes out to these girls, who have witnessed and experienced some of the most agonizing atrocities imaginable, and their families. I’m glad the government is doing what it can to help rehabilitate and reintegrate them. May they live the rest of their lives in peace.

This is such an astute comparison, thank you! Women’s magazines encourage us to “lock it down” whereas men’s magazines encourage them to “win over” as many chicks as they possibly can. It’s unfortunate, really, but that’s where we are...

Ugh, yeah, I know what you mean! “When are you gonna tie the knot with that special someone?” Has now become “Omg you seriously think it’s realistic to expect someone to commit for life?! HAR HAR” and it almost makes me want to give up hope entirely.

This is exactly what I fear the most about getting married. I prefer monogamous relationships, and though they still seem to be the norm, they also seem to be dying out in favor of polyamory and casual relationships. I’ve had many friends and relatives whose marriages have failed because one, or both of them, have

Hah, I love this comment. Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russians? Nonsense! Hillary ran a child-trafficking ring inside a pizza restaurant? MAKES PERFECT SENSE

Or perhaps he died from a pre-existing condition called “Jabba the Hutt-lookin ass bitch”

It amazes me that people still don’t think that sexism, racism, and ignorance are huge factors in how Trump got elected, and why there has been such SEETHING hatred towards Obama and Hillary..

At first my conscience was like, “Is it morbid for me to be to be happy that this guy just died?” And then I saw this and said, “Nah.”

Oh god this is so depressing... Soundgarden was a staple of my childhood back in the 90's. Rest in peace, Chris.

Not only does he look bland, but he also looks to be about 16 years old. Yikes.

I don’t know, the people’s amnesia and willful ignorance leads me to believe that the Republican party won’t be stained for long. But I sure hope you’re right!

Norway’s prison system also has one of the lowest recidivism rates in the world. The prisoners have to work, pay their own bills, and attend classes. Few ever try to escape because they are treated humanely.

I’m a big fan of the criminal justice system/prison system in Norway. It’s very successful, as they have one of the lowest crime rates out of any country in the world. They must be doing something right. They also have no death penalty and no life sentence. I won’t go into detail, just do some research about it, you