
This is an important victory which I will celebrate in spirit with Madrid. Obligatory man-spreading story: a few weeks ago I was on a flight in a middle seat and the dude sitting next to me was man-spreading with his foot OVER the little metal partition on the floor separating seats so his leg was into the space in

I will never understand this bullshit line of thinking. How are women less visual? Women are the ones who are into fashion and what goes with what and oh cool let’s mix patterns, they are the ones who can discern between and effectively deploy 16 shades of red lipstick, they know the difference between mauve and

I LOVE objectifying men, especially since I’ve recently become middle aged and invisible. I regularly call men sweetie, openly look them up and down, and comment on their appearance. I’m totally open about it.

Bullshit. Going to the public like that right before the election was completely against FBI and DOJ protocol. He wasn’t doing his job. That was against the standards of his job. He wanted to look tough to his intelligence friends.

I thought Cuckservatives was created by alt-righters to describe conservatives they feel aren’t far enough to the right? There whole obsession with cuckold is such a naked look into immature and misogynistic psyche. Like the worse thing to them (and they thing they most fantasize about) is someone else having control

Because the GOP does not care about women. If you are a woman and you vote for a GOP candidate, you are supporting a party that would rater see you die than lift a finger to help.

I have to disagree with Hannah here. Putting it up on twitter was exactly the right move. Someone needed to say all that publicly.

In my humble opinion....Alec ain’t wrong.

“Hey, he likes black women, he can’t possibly be racist!”

He is — or at least, he used to be; he’s been in “lazy hack” territory for years at this point — a smart, astute political commentator who frequently had thoughts and insights that were well worth listening to. But he’s always been smug, self-righteous and thin-skinned, on top of the casual racism and sexism and

Ahh, hell no! You’re not blaming pot for this vile shithead. I’ve been smoking pot over half my life and I am not a smug, arrogant, asshole, who thinks I’m clever and smarter than everyone else. It’s a character flaw, not a symptom.

I’d say the latter. He’s always been the worst type of “progressive” white male — dripping with privilege he denies the existence of, vaguely contemptuous of anyone who espouses “identity politics” (i.e., cares about anything that doesn’t directly benefit white men), and casually (and sometimes not so casually) sexist

Well, remember when Snoop Dogg did that video showing trump getting shot in the head? No one called for the end of his career.

Before this happened I was wondering what the reaction would have been if a man had done Kathy’s stunt instead of her. This isn’t quite the same, but it’s similar enough to make an interesting comparison.

The sinking of Atlantis was an inside job.

I think it might be worth noting that, for a lot of repubs, they dig this shit. They like the fact that a white dude broke down and straight up choke slammed someone who made them mad. Most of them won’t/can’t do this so when they see it happen, deep down, they’re like “fuck yea! I’mma buy that man a burr”. So no, I’m

I dare you to form an argument without using Obama or media bias.

She’s the only one I kind of feel bad for, besides Barron. My dad was a deadbeat, too. He’s poor and a nobody, and I still wonder what I could have done to be good enough for him. Imagine what it’s like being the daughter of a rich moron who abandoned you and then became president. You wouldn’t know which way was up.

I always refuse a breathalyzer when I haven’t been drinking.

I want the public to know that alcohol was not involved. What happened was an unexpected reaction to prescribed medications. I didn’t realize the mix of medications had affected me so strongly.