
I’m curious to hear more about this. In what way won’t you be good enough? Why not let the woman decide if spending time with you is a good investment or not? As a woman, I have similar feelings that I will never be good enough for a man. I think I am good enough, I just think I will never meet a man who agrees

It’s a legitimate concern. However, from what I understand the Nigerian government is seriously trying to combat this issue of the returned girls being stigmatized by their peers and community members through education. Also, they seem genuinely interested in taking great care to ensure the girls are ‘whole’ (so to

The thought that they might be stigmatized is awful, but after three years of captivity at such a young age, brainwashing is a legitimate concern. I don’t know anything about Chibok culture, but I do know they’re human beings, and I’d like to think that the way the entire community has been affected by this ongoing

47 here, been single since ‘11 divorced w/ 11 yr old daughter, single by choice, because honestly a lot of baggage out there, i have very minimal and I like my routines and total freedom............its priceless.......if someone happens to surface..........there’s always fun to be had, places to go, things to see etc

So beautifully written that I should just let it stand on its own. Two things occur, though.

Omg I could have written this myself. I also prefer monogamous - or at least monoamorous - relationships and they for sure seem to be dying out in favor of poly or friends with benefits or casual (with no intention of ever being *not* casual). If one more person tells me how unrealistic/unevolved wanting that is and

Yessss. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Yeah; I know at least two relationships (though not marriages) which ended because the person found that their partner had reactivated profiles on a dating site. I hope you find the relationship of your dreams but being single is nothing to fear, either. Life can be amazingly satisfying in either case.💖

Meh this is a school that covered up the rape of a student leading to her suicide because they needed him for football. Pence isn’t far off what the school actually believes.

I’m surprised not to see OKCupid, Tinder, or Ashley Madison receive a shout-out, here. A main reason for jitters in this modern era is the same as it was for me when I attended a university with a larger population than my natal city (that is, 40,000 students, most of them on the make): the marketplace of romantic

I think you’re right. The only person on the planet that he seems to care about, other than himself, is Ivanka. And even that appears to be an extension of his extreme narcissism. She certainly looks like him, except in that hyper-feminine way that he likes “his” women to look. She is, for all practical purposes, a

I’m trying to imagine Trump as a spy, or being trusted by any government to act as a spy, and it’s not going so well.

I’ve read that this is actually Trump’s choice. Some body language expert surmised that hand holding comes off looking like a unit or couple and he doesn’t want to hold her hand because he wants everyone to know that he, alone, is president. He needs to come off as an alpha man because it makes him look like he holds

It was not obvious to me, but it does make sense that Bannon would be such a racist dickbag to think that.

oh, that is sweeeeeeeeeet :)

I mean, c’mon, folks, try writing your beliefs out on paper, or on a screen, and read them out loud. If they sound THIS fucked-up.... maybe you need to address that!! I can’t believe their brains actually work that way, but they do. *cuckoo-clock noises*

In my day we walked uphill both ways to get smallpox!

About time someone took down that waste of money CDC! Always whining about diseases and pandemics and whatnot. Why, when I was a boy ya just got smallpox and died and you liked it!

And now its being reported that the person of interestbeing investigated is Jared Kushner.

The willful ignorance is staggering.