
Red pill types are convinced that being falsely accused of rape is an epidemic on par with rape itself, despite the fact that men are more likely to be raped than to be falsely accused of it. They like this false narrative for two reasons: one, it lets men be the victims and have a legitimate reason to fear women.

I will defend her if you won’t: SHE AIN’T WRONG.

I don’t think that’s what he’s saying is bullying, though. He’s saying people telling him he needs to get political, “or else” is bullying. He’s wrong, I think, to use the term “bullying” there, but he’s not saying people bag on him for liking Trump, but rather that people bag on him for not being political at all.

I is deplorable to be racist, sexist, anti-immigrant, and against health care for everyone. “Libtard” is a silly insult. I’ll gladly be called that name for being on the side of common sense, progress, and empathy.

I was actually with him and had no problem with his approach until this:

Man, Taylor really has a type, and that type is “bland looking white guy.”

Considering an actual audio tape of him talking about grabbing pussies didn’t seem to hurt him in the least, I’m not holding my breath.

I want to see his ugly lumpy ass being hauled off to prison, along with his nasty family members. I don’t think orange is Ivanka’s colour.

I don’t think President Pence is particularly well acquainted with the concept of “liberty.”

Is this finally it??? Can this please be the beginning of the end? I’m totally dying for the day the universe rights itself and this orange fuckhead gets the boot. Then I go the closest bar I can find, drop $20 in the jukebox, play “FDT” on repeat, and proceed to get sloshed in the name of sweet, sweet liberty.

Ooh, mansplaining on demand, what a treat!

Women attempt suicide three times more often than men. That doesn’t mean male suicide isn’t a problem, but the underlying issues that lead to suicide are not a gendered problem. Men are more successful at suicide because they tend to choose more violent (or “successful”) methods than women.

I’m a progressive, and an MRA.

The MRA line is all about this feminized world turning men into second class citizens. And the fastest growing demographic for suicide in this country is teenage girls, they’re catching up to middle aged men. Yes,every issue you just laid out needs to be addressed, but all I see MRA organizations do is blame and bitch

Sorry dude, but MRA’s are misogynists. Progressive and misogynist are mutually exclusive.

Are those the positions that make you an MRA? Suicide prevention, more equitable education, and adequate access to counseling for rape survivors? I don’t think that’s it. I think what makes you an MRA is the msiguided belief that feminism, which is about correcting gender inequality, is about promoting female

LOL, way to misrepresent the problems people have with MRAs by setting up those straw men. Do you really think that anyone is not in favor of addressing suicide, improving education, and services for rape survivors? Do you think that feminists want those things only for women or something?

Progressive MRA? Mass of contradictions indeed.

Progressive. MRA. Pick one.

After Tim Allen came out with his whole bullshit “I feel like i’m being persecuted by nazi liberals” statement, I went to youtube to see a clip of his show. I wanted to see if it was really as bad, fragile-white-male oriented as I thought.