
I hope they weren’t able to copyright “tabi”. 

That guy has done this A LOT. That “let me play you this song on Spotify... [deletes all contact info and logs of calls to or from his number on your phone] ... darn can’t find it” move was entirely too practiced and well-oiled to be a one off.

Tabi is short for Jika-Tabi the Japanese word for this type of shoe, and it was invented in Japan . Margiela did not invent this type of footwear. geez.

yeesh, i’ll never understand fashion.
“you know the animals with cloven hooves?”

Timmy sure loves those nepo babies. I’m starting to think he’s not as amazing as the internet makes him out to be. 

Oh, totally, because we all know men - particularly successful men - have no power or control over themselves.

What are you, Kanye’s publicist?

I would like to see Justin dressed in Walter Van Bierendonck. Bierendonck’s men’s fashions are “casual,” but the artistry is elevated in a manner that might be more suitable when your lady is turned out like Hailey is here.

What’s even sadder is that I surely have a near identical outfit in my closet that is worth thousands less- while despite being the same materials and construction, lacks the “correct” screen printed words or images

The Daily Heil is not a legitimate source of anything. Wikipedia won’t even allow users to cite them. Stop linking to them. 

It’s hard to figure out which of them looks weirder here.

Thank. You.

Unfair comparison. Batboy has eyelashes.

If there’s one place it might work, that place is Florida. I can see Florida moms saying, “I can’t vote for the Dem, because, y’know, socialism, but I can’t vote for Rick Bat-Shit-Crazy either. And I do like Sesame Street. So yeah, she’s got my vote”.

If Tan Mom can at least pull as MANY votes away from Rick Scott as possible, her running will be a victory.

Tan mom has stated that she suffered a severe head injury long ago. This might explain some of her erratic behavior.

Maybe he made her from Florida so that she’s from the panhandle.

If that were true, surely her name should be Panny not Penny

It’s pretty creepy that Amanda Bynes is being followed by paparazzi while she’s in a mental health facility. I mean, I expect the worst from TMZ, but you can and should do better by not linking to them and contributing to the conversation. Let her get help in peace, ffs. 

Raven-Symone seems like she’s a lot to deal with.