
Super consistent for a white, smug dude like Bill Maher to have to “see for himself” as self-appointed arbiter of what is reasonable and what is unreasonable “wokeness” to disregard all the times KW has been on the record and in his own words virulently anti-semitic. Of course, he’d need to explore that to see if it

I think the issue for actresses is that all the roles go to the same five actresses. So if you’re in the age bracket of 30s those roles go to Emma Stone or Margot Robbie first. If you’re an actress in her 40s or 50s those roles go to Cate Blanchette. If you’re over 60 they go to Meryl Streep. If any of those actresses

Mandy Moore said she feels like a “different” person compared to when she was married to Ryan Adams. Thank god and god bless.

I hope he dyes.

Ah bless! I had forgotten about her cousin’s friend’s testicles in Trinidad..  What a glorious time that was to be alive.

Something something about putting a new dress on a pig. It’s still going to be a pig in a dress.

Doesn't matter.  It's just good when he's miserable.

I had the same thought. It’s weird because saying she rubbed her vulva on Caroline is no less shocking, so I don’t know why they wouldn’t use correct words. 

Do these people not know where the vagina is on their bodies? 

Came here to say the same thing about the rhyme.
Ripping on someone’s weak flow, then following it up with that rhyme is...

Nicki has always been an asshole with an enormous chip on her shoulder.

Had Nicki gone with “feet” she could have gotten a lot more mileage.

We live in the 21st century and have had the technology to broadcast a yea/nay vote from anywhere on the planet for quite a while. Maybe we should all get with the times.

Plus, she’s 51. Being in my 50's as well, I can’t imagine doing the baby/young children thing. At a certain point you just want to relax. 

Travis Barker wore that shirt for attention (clearly he’s learning from the garbage family he married into). Don’t give it to him.

Exactly. This is how women develop alcohol use disorders unnoticed. A lot of female problem drinking is wrapped up in fun/cool girl/wine mom attitudes like this episode.

First time I’ve heard anyone mention Chrissy Teigen in months, maybe a year? I actually don’t mind her, but also nice to see taking a break from feeding clickbait headlines.

King, nor Dolly have publicly commented on the concert but the latter is a woman known for her tolerance, so, I’m sure she gets it.”

Not only his his collection impressive, but his porn career is also incredible.

Calling it now....Dusty has an IMPRESSIVE collection of porn somewhere.