
Nicki continues to reach for new lows.  Also, rhyming foot with foot, girl?  C’mon.

She’s gone on record as far back as 2018 that she has substance abuse issues.  I hope she has some good support.

Guys help. I’m finding Ben Affleck very attractive in these Dunkin ads and I don’t know what to do.

Yeah it seems....normal.

I can’t help it, I like Amber Rose.  

I also once went as a bloody tampon for h’ween, when i was around Lil Nas’ age.

For me it was when they made a woman with an impressive collection of chuck taylors in like, every color imaginable, purge the entire collection and only let her keep 2 pair.

Man I like all the different varieties of Trent Reznor!

She’s wearing some very intense and unusual-for-her eye makeup. Red shadow and it looks like white in the bottom water line, giving her kind of a ceiling-eyes, small eyes effect.

Deleted for redundancy.  Davidwizard has already covered it.

That thoroughness struck me as particularly diabolical

Theatre Kid Energy cranked up to 11

So like, when you’re braising something, but you’re casual. Braisin’.

Is it pronounced Bray-son, or Bry-son?

I think they’re all good looking except for poor Noah.  

Just like in any other population, not all queer/genderqueer/nonbinary folks are good people. 

I can ONLY see white and gold.  I’ve tried, SO hard.  But i can’t see blue and black.

FOR REAL!  Those texts are so gross.

You’re a real (sugar-based) gem!