
OK I mean but is it normal for children that young to be so...ripped? It reminds me of that “Little Hercules” boy.

Jesus Cripes, MGK is an idiot.   

I still hate Sean Penn

Ah, Drake, the perpetual fuckboy.  He sucks, and he’s an ugly doofus to boot.  Go sharpie in your beard, loser.

And all the weird shit they both doing to their faces making them look like a couple of sad-sides of a janus mask.  Freaky to look at.

I think the key is that all of those people met as already-adults, not adult-and-teen.

I was wondering! She’s so ‘shopped in every pic I can find of her, it’s impossible to determine her age. Also LOL at the ‘shop making Billy Ray’s forehead lines appear pencilled-in.

U G H.  I think about both of those relationships a lot.  Super icky.

Ah, yes, lovely Stargazer, CA! 

Where in California?  In Seattle, the parking strip is technically the property/responsibility of the homeowner/resident, so you get a big mix - some trashy weed patches, some raised planters and nice gardens, and a lotta in-between!

Sure, it was 6 years ago, but how many times do you have to let your spouse hit or choke your children before you call it?  It’s really a one-and-done in my eyes.  You don’t come back from that.

Glad to hear the Judds are chillin. I hate everyone and everything else in this dirtbag.

Wow, no.

Yeah, read her for mommying Kanye, not for her designs!

But, it worked!

He’s so damn good at the viral game, it’s insane.  

Wow rude how you gonna do Betsy Johnson like that?!  Just for no damn reason.  Uncute.

Thanks for doing the legwork!  Every photo I can find of her is so airbrushed that it’s impossible to even tell if she’s a real person.  Also, I wonder if “Firerose” sounds less like “firehose” when you have an Aussie accent?

Ned has always been the worst Try Guy.