The meanest snowflake is pissed off

While I’ll listen to him no matter what he’s wearing, because his message is important, there are absolutely people who would listen if he was in a suit. Sometimes its not about the message, its about figuring out what the audience needs to see and hear to make a difference. Sadly, too many people are going to see a

Ah yes, because when you’re grieving your murdered brother you need to be sure to also keep respectability politics in mind. FOH.

People have been. No one particularly cares because he’s preying on WOC.

You might not like his personal style, but it was composed to make a statement. Did it do that? Will you remember this?

He didn’t/doesn’t have to hide it better. He’s abusing black girls. US society at large doesn’t give AF about black girls.

This guy’s a real creep. It seems like more people should be talking about that.

The weird thing is that he was never even very good at hiding it. I mean, he was banging Aaliyah when she was 14, and married her when she was 15. And it’s not like it was an isolated incident, 15 years ago, either, considering all the other hinky stuff that’s been floating around out there since then.

Oh yeah that’s for sure. I used to work in Rocklin and it’s full blown trump territory. But if I may be pedantic, those aren’t technically part of Sacramento.

This. I also live in the Sac area, and this is completely true. There is a harp contrast where areas go from liberal and fed up, to MAGA conservative, and its absolutely along those lines you mentioned.

Hi DG, I live in the Sacramento area. Hope it’s okay to add some more anecdotal observations. Predictably it’s the same old story. It’s split down the middle, depending on race, age, geographic location, and financial position in life. Ask someone in South Sac their opinion and you’ll get a completely different answer

That picture is awesome. I wouldn’t have expected it in Sacto, but good for them. No better place than the state capital to make some well-deserved noise.

This is purely anecdotal but I was in Sacramento this past weekend, and just from speaking to strangers, it seems like the majority of people were condemning the police actions and were supportive of stephon Clark. I know this doesn’t necessarily mean anything, but I hope it does.

Read the indictment. It was photos and videos of MSU students, possibly given under coercion. And Nasser was already fired and convicted, so the investigation is over. The beyond stupid here is you.

Fox News. Michigan State. Dallas Mavericks. How many more exposes of powerful creeps being enabled/protected by their even more powerful and creepier bosses are we going to need to eradicate this sick culture?

Don’t forget that MSU is also trying to get around 100 of the civil suits filed by the survivors dismissed under the statute of limitations clause.

The Osteopathy school at MSU appears to be an entity separate from the School of Medicine. Which seems weird and duplicative to me, since MDs and DOs can practice interchangeably in the US. Makes one wonder how much of a loss it truly would be to MSU if they just shut the whole thing down. left Larry Nassar’s channel up for MONTHS after Nassar was charged with child porn. I don’t think they took it down until after he was convicted, in fact. AFAIK, his channel didn’t show his ‘special treatment’ but it did show him performing therapies on children. Society has loads of tolerance for sex

When people wonder why no one reports on men like Nassar, it’s because men like Strampel get to watch the videos of assaults. Abuse in institutions is institutionalized.

I’m beginning to think that there’s something not right about the Osteopathic Department at the MSU medical school. Bears looking into, at the least.  

So I take it Penn State will erect a statue for him?